Ten Things

Once a month my dear friend, Emmy, hosts TEN THINGS TO SMILE ABOUT.  If you haven't done it before or never heard of it, this where she takes time to reflect on ten things that made her smile during the month.  I love this assignment because it reminds us of the good things we have whether they be simple or grand!  So come on and link up!  

1.  A weekend of swimming with friends and family 
Photo by Emmy
2.  Successful first days of school

3.  Naps
Theirs AND mine!
4.  Milestones in my weight loss journey
5.  Getting that cool shot you've been waiting for!

6.  Kristin for buying her family the game of Life with her babysitting money
7.  Emily for putting out bowls for people in the mornings for breakfast
8.  Ryan for being a good helper
9.  Brownies--well they do!
10.  Having such a successful hit with my FB post last week, that I have decided to turn it in a monthly meme!!

Starting Sept 14th, Emmy and I will be hosting:  THE STATUS QUOTE Where we gather up our friends status updates and post them.  More details to come at the first official meme approaches.  We hope you all come to play!!


Rachel said…
Great list. And I think you look sooo pretty in the picture of you!
Emmy said…
Very good list and nice shameless plug :). You really do look great and have worked hard for it. And you must be raising your kids right, look at all that service!
Linda Medrano said…
You look great! And oh my what pretty kids!
Shelley said…
Wow that's a lot to smile about! I love the kids picture of the first day of school!
Liz Mays said…
I love the name you guys came up for your FB meme!

Your kids are all so sweet and helpful, and you look so great!!!!
Nicole said…
Very cool! I love the FB quote blog! awww what a nice picture of you guys in the pool, and a big Congrats on the weight loss journey!!
Shell said…
Love that first day of school pic! Off to check out your fb post.
Susan Anderson said…
What a cool idea, listing the top ten things that happened in the past month. That has to be a good thing!

Your new meme sounds fun, too. I'll come and check it out!

CB said…
This is an excellent idea for a post. It not only lets you count your blessing but you can remember the good things about each month.
Btw congrats on your weight loss - I'm heading in that direction and it is hard.
Joy@TPMG said…
What a great list! That back to school pic is wonderful!
Kmama said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday.

Brownies always make me smile! And weight loss milestones are DEFINITELY something to smile about!!
Mrs Montoya said…
I am stopping by from Emmy's and really love the nap photo. Those moments are so sweet and rare.

Great list! I will so look forward to the FB blog - that should be GOOD :)
KK said…
Very good reasons to smile!

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