
Showing posts from February 24, 2013

Ten Things

Sometimes it's hard to find what makes you smile....especially when things go rough.  However, that is not what this post is about.  This post is all about the positive.  So let's get the positive on... 1.    Seeing my GPA for the first time... 2.  Celebrating my nephew's birthday... 3.  Rich has started school.  I have inspired him!!! 4.  I lost a couple of pounds...definitely worth smiling about. 5.  A cute gift to me from a cute boy.... 6.  Discovering that one of our cats "talks" in his sleep 7.  Going to a couples retreat--I still have to blog about that!!! 8.  Seeing my bestie at the couples retreat... 9.  Ryan telling me that he will one day be President and he will tell the People not to pick their friend's noses and always be kind to each other. 10.  We've all heard the saying:  Live.  Love. Laugh.  I found one on Pinterest that says: ...