
Showing posts from August 15, 2010

Not A Poop Story

It's Friday.  Time to come clean.  If you feel the need to come clean with me, you can link up with Glamazon! I do not know left from right.  It's true.  Yesterday, Little Middle came to me complaining that her side hurt.  Like bad.  She was on the verge of tears.  I was looking at her holding her side.  It was MY right.  I registered it as HER right.  I pressed on her belly--yeah cause I went to medical school--and she cried.  No fever.  No tummy ache.  But man, she was hurting.  I took her to Urgent Care as opposed to the ER.  I HATE the ER.  It's too crowded and too germie.  I have to be dying to go there.  And well, so do my kids.  Urgent care is a step up.  We were only there an hour.  Nice!  It was there, I realized it was her LEFT side not her RIGHT.  Guess what?  She needed to poop.  The doctor said she was very impacted and the intestine felt inflamed...

It's Not Easy Being Green

Kermit is always getting kicked around by Miss Piggy.  Poor Kemi. Everyone says Oscar is a grouch.  I think Oscar knows what's going on! Besides if green were truly such a bad color, why would we bother to celebrate a day devoted entirely to GREEN!  I remembered this post, and felt it had to have a special encore appearance for this very topic.  Read it and tell me if you agree! Yesterday for Saint Patrick's Day we all wore our traditional green.  Did you know the reason you wear green is so that the leprechauns can't see you?  If you don't wear green, then they can see you and they will pinch you.  Which is where pinching people when they aren't wearing green comes from.  Well none of us wanted to be seen so we all wore green. I felt my food was in danger as well.  So I made us a cake.  green of course.  Then I frosted it...               ...

That's Going On My Blog!

My mom is not like other moms.  And I mean this in best possible way.  And not just cause she reads my blog!!  I think of her mother.  My Grandma.  She is a lot like her.  She is kind, loving, has wonderful advice and even has her white hair.  But my mom is different than her mom was.  I would say she is more like her aunt.  Her mom's baby sister.   My mom will duel with pool noodles, wrapping paper and other such weapons.  I don't think my grandma would have done that.   My mom will blow the paper wrapper of a straw at you at a restaurant.  I don't think my grandma would have done that.  My aunt just might!   With my new found freedom, I was able to go to lunch with my mom yesterday.  We chose Chinese cause let's face it, the kids are not going to eat that!  Well in true spirit of silliness, I blew my paper wrapper at my mom.  Hit her on the shoulder.  It was a nice shot...

Farts and Clowns...

Thanks Drama Mama!! Remember the chat room I created?  Well it is still up and running.  So this Thursday from 12PM to 2PM PST come in and say hi and chat. And last but certainly not least...go check my other blog:  Point & Shoot!   For a not so shameless plug!!

Maybe It's Just Me....

Maybe it is just me, but I always thought that the street was for the cars and the sidewalks was for the pedestrians.  Hypothetically, let's say a driver is pulling alongside a curb to park their vehicle.  And let's say that there are two women, one of which is pushing a stroller on the street.  And let's also note that there is ample room for the pedestrians that may or may not exist to move up to the sidewalk thus allowing the driver to pull over and park.  And let's also say it is painfully obvious that the driver is waiting for them to get their butts off the street move up to the sidewalk.  And let's say they do not, but instead continue walking on the street right past the driver.  I always thought the street was for the cars.  But maybe that is just me. Maybe it is just me, but perhaps I am not the only one who wants to listen to other people's music.  I mean even if it is music I happen to like, though it rarely is.  What makes...