Not A Poop Story
It's Friday. Time to come clean. If you feel the need to come clean with me, you can link up with Glamazon! I do not know left from right. It's true. Yesterday, Little Middle came to me complaining that her side hurt. Like bad. She was on the verge of tears. I was looking at her holding her side. It was MY right. I registered it as HER right. I pressed on her belly--yeah cause I went to medical school--and she cried. No fever. No tummy ache. But man, she was hurting. I took her to Urgent Care as opposed to the ER. I HATE the ER. It's too crowded and too germie. I have to be dying to go there. And well, so do my kids. Urgent care is a step up. We were only there an hour. Nice! It was there, I realized it was her LEFT side not her RIGHT. Guess what? She needed to poop. The doctor said she was very impacted and the intestine felt inflamed...