Farts and Clowns...

Remember the chat room I created?  Well it is still up and running.  So this Thursday from 12PM to 2PM PST come in and say hi and chat.


And last but certainly not least...go check my other blog:  Point & Shoot!  For a not so shameless plug!!


Emmy said…
Well at least he is telling you what is happening in school :). And yes it really does seem too soon for homework. Lucas is going to start getting homework next week, we'll see how that goes.
Christina Lee said…
You are definitely the mother of a boy--hahaha!
Linda Medrano said…
Boys are so funny. When my kids were young, our word was "Shamunga"! Look where you are walking. Don't get Shamunga on your shoes!
Joy@TPMG said…
They have homework in Kindergarten? It sounds like he is enjoying it:) Congrats on your award.
Janiece said…
I can handle the kindergarden potty mouth :-)

Have a great day!
Liz Mays said…
That potty talk is of prime importance at that age!!!
Nicole said…
lol i think i say meanies sometimes too:) hehe

what in the world is a clown doing at a city council meeting? I'd love to see that!
mormonhermitmom said…
A four hour council meeting? Oh well the clown must have been the mayor.

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