So Random
I want to apologize on behalf of Southern CA to any all readers who are buried in snow, getting more snow, or has snow on the way. The movie RED DAWN scared the you know what out of me. I was convinced for weeks, possibly months that we were going to be invaded. I love Peanut Butter Captain Crunch cereal. I know it's disgusting and terrible for you, but I like it. We (me, mom, Kristin and Ryan) went to Wally. It was time to restock supplies. We had both finished up and Kristin wanted to show me some dresses that she liked. I told my mom to get in line, figuring we would finish long before they would even begin ringing us up. Ryan followed close behind. Kristin showed me the collection she liked and I told her she would need something over or under that style. We looked at a couple of other things and I pointed out that they were too short. We headed back to the registers to meet Grandma and I started to unload my half of the ca...