Watch Your Step
When I was 19, I lived with my good friend Angela in a loft apartment. To make getting down the stairs less trying for us, we would slide down the stairs. To make this sliding more efficient, we wore "sliding suits." These consisted of sweats with tube socks pulled up over the legs. A few times we both landed on the floor.There was even a period of time when I had a broken leg. I would crawl up the stairs, and then put the bad leg over the good one to slide back down. Of all the crazy things we did, I have no pictures to prove this. And even if I did, I seriously doubt I would share such sensitive information. Yesterday, I was being a mom and cleaning up messes. I used a wicker basket to gather all the toys, papers, shoes, and books that had magically appeared in the living room. Next, I carried the basket up the stairs to return the items to their proper homes. Ryan followed me and asked if he could help. My first reaction is no, I'll do it. What!? He wants...