The Real Me
A bloggy friend of mine, Jen from Denton Sanatorium , has challenged people to show who they really are! If they are brave enough. So ready or not.... My house is messy more than it is clean. I am not sure how often I vacuum. But given the floors are usually cluttered with toys and papers, it probably isn't that often. I let the boy sleep in a favorite shirt....wait for it...he has already worn it....not yet....he plans to wear it tomorrow. I just might let him. Little Middle and the boy seem to be fighting more and more these days. They can hardly be in the same room for more than five minutes without getting into it. I am getting very tired of it. I want to either lock myself in my room, or lock them in theirs. At least once a week, but sometimes more, we are "TV People." Which means we eat dinner while watching TV. Sometimes it is something Disney, but once in a while it is Myth Busters. ...