I love presents. I love buying them. I love wrapping them. And I thoroughly enjoy watching the receiver open it. Especially if it is one of those gifts that you just know they will flip for. And yeah, I love getting gifts! I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Let's face it, getting presents is awesome. Today I did a lot of present buying. I went to the Salvation Army first and made out like a bandit. My intention was to simply buy some pants for Emily. She needs them so badly it's ridiculous. I thought that would be the best place to start. Now I don't know about you, but for me, places like a thrift store and the dollar tree are big trouble. I went in planning on one pair of pants (choke) and walked out with: two pairs of pants for Emily, one pair of pants for Ryan, a shirt for Ryan, a hoodie for Emily, jammie bottoms for Kristin and Emily all for $18! Not bad. I was proud of my good work. Best part it would all be a surprise! Next was good old Wal-Mar...