Friday Confessions: Farewells and Other Stuff
I confess... I have been really struggling with my weight the past few weeks. Okay really it's been since Christmas. I have been up and down and up with the same six pounds. I refuse to accept that my body has "settled" and "likes" where it is. And yet, I am really struggling with the motivation. Maybe I need to get back into my Metabolism Blues blog to keep me more honest and on track. I confess... I had an IEP meeting yesterday for my Little Middle. Those meetings exhaust me. It's a lot to take in and a lot to remember. I am not known for retention...unless it is water based. She is transitioning to middle school. I am not ready. I wasn't ready when she started Kindergarten either. We both survived. Mostly. I Confess... I am glad so very glad I am going to Zumba this morning. I am glad because it will be nearly 2 hours of no kids. No kids fighting over petty things. It's a ...