Proud Mommy Moments: Being Mature


It's time again to share those proud Mommy Moments.  Whether they are big or small, or whether they are truly great or truly horrifying!  Write about your proud moments and link up with my BFF Emmy of EmmyMom--One Day At A Time and KMama at the Daily Dribbles!

Remember from my Tuesday post, I said it was 19 years ago that I first met my husband?  Well he reads my blog.  He apologized for not really remembering the exact date.  I could have played that up to the hilt, but the truth is I really don't play that and I also didn't totally remember myself.  I actually googled May, 24, 1992 to see if it was on a Sunday.  We both remember we met on a Sunday.  How funny is that.  I knew it was either the 24th or the 26th.  Well it was the 24th.  And he asked me out to dinner to celebrate.  But what about the kids?  "Yoyo" was his reply.  (You're on your own)  He verified what time DWTS was to start.  Oh he knows me.  So it was set.  I would meet him for dinner.

Here is where my "proud mommy moment" comes into play.  Kristin is every inch a teenager, and yet in the same breath I can say she is wise beyond her years.  I told her what the plans were and her reaction was not one of eye rolling and sighing, but one of "Aww's" and "Can I make pancakes for dinner?"  I told her as long as she clean up the mess she could.  She happily agreed.  I went out and enjoyed my dinner with Rich.  And I came home to a pancake free mess.  She even had enlisted her siblings help in the clean up.  I guess I can take a little credit for her maturity. 


Emmy said…
Awesome job Kristin!! And awesome job mommy for raising such a great daughter. Definitely a PMM and glad you got to go out!
Kmama said…
Wow. You have a good girl and guy!! You surely are lucky.

Thanks for linking up!
Nicole said…
haha, wow, that's awesome! Not just any kid would do that!
Christina Lee said…
AWWWW you should be proud of her!!!
Anonymous said…
You've got a good daughter there! Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Macey said…
What a sweety pie you have!!

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