Reality is...

Reality is...dishes and laundry do not do themselves.

Reality is...cookies are magic.  When you make them...they disappear.

Reality is...getting older really sucks.

Reality is...the older your kids get, the harder it is to get them out of bed.

Reality is...the house doesn't clean itself either.

Reality is...when the money comes in, it in turn goes out.
Reality hear what they want to hear.

Reality is...despite knowing that kids have selective hearing, we still tell them things as if they don't.

Reality is sometimes hard to swallow.  Reality sometimes is funny.  Reality is part of life.  But sometimes reality sucks, so we go to our happy place instead!

Reality I participated in Jenny Matlock's Alphabae-Thursday!!!

Jenny Matlock


NatureGirl said…
Well Said CaGirl...I have nothing to add to that! But thanks for the laugh...
mle said…
Thanks for keepin' it real! : )
Macey said…
And THAT is why the saying goes, "Reality Bites." HAHAHA!!
Oh so true! I may have to start physically dragging my kids out of bed for school soon. For some reason telling them 'I don't want to get up either' has no effect on their ability to fall right back asleep. Probably that selective hearing!
Too true! Reality has a tendancy to bite, but still have the happy place and the happy place always has chocolate and coffee! :)
Emmy said…
Great R post! Cookies are also magic in how happy they can make you feel :)
Nicole said…
haha cute and my husband really liked the cookie bit :)
Susan Anderson said…
Thanks for the dose of reality! We all need that now and then...

Unknown said…
Reality DOES suck. Especially the laundry & dishes part.
Lisa H. said…
That just about says it all. I think I will go to my "happy place" now.
Gina said…
I loved your "R" post! Really!!! All of your reality-isms are so very true...
Penelope said…
Hey, it's the truth.
Shell said…
Oh, the cookie one was cracking me up!
Anonymous said…
You have such truth in each phrase. Well done!
Donnie said…
Reality is life and I love the way you said it. My happy place is reading cute blogs like yours.
Urban Earthworm said…
Oh, so very, very true.

Today, I'm choosing to see reality through the bottom of my wine glass.
Mamarazzi said…
cute post...i know my teenager never wants to get out of bed...i let her sleep as long as she wants on the weekend after her pediatrician said the extra sleep was needed for brain development.
Judie said…
I'm with Colleen on this one!! Cheers!!
Joy@TPMG said…
These are so true! I wish it was hard to get my kids out of bed instead of them getting ME out of bed.
Krissy said…
:) lol very nice read mine!!!!!!!
Amy said…
What a creative post! And I love it. So true on everything. How I wish the house would clean itself! I think I would pay big bucks for a self cleaning house. What? They have self cleaning ovens, why can't they have a self cleaning house?
Jenny said…
Reality is...when I come to visit Lourie's blog she makes me smile!

And today is no exception.

This was a really great stop today on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "R".

Thanks for sharing your special blend of reality with us!


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