I Can Neither Confirm, Nor Deny
Before I begin this weeks confessional, I would like to direct your attention this bloggers post ! She saw my picture of Ryan and asked if she could use it and write a poem about it. I of course said yes. So please go and see her and give her some bloggy love! **************************** Since I skipped out on confession last week, I have a lot to confess. However, I can neither confirm nor deny the following admissions. You must decide for yourself if I am guilty or innocent of such heinous offenses. The people that live on the opposite side of our street have birds. As in macaws. Oh sure they are pretty to look at! But these people let their birds outside. And I get to hear them squawk and make noises that can only be described as an animal of some sort being tortured to its untimely demise! So what is my confession? I want to shoot these stupid birds. Sick a hungry cat on them. Don't their neighbors complain?...