2010 Review Extravaganza!! Jan to March
<br /><center><a href="http://www.emmymom2.com/"><img src="http://i855.photobucket.com/albums/ab115/Emmymom/2010%20Blog%20pics/Buttonreview.jpg" /></a></center><br /> It's here! The 2010 Review Extravaganza!! What? Did you miss that post ? Well it's simple every Friday for the rest of the year we are recapping the year. Today we are covering the months of Jan. Feb. and March. So write up your first review of 2010 and link up here. Now just what exactly what was I doing in January anyway....oh yeah...how could I forget....we closed on the house and had a big bang of a celebration complete with silly string!! Aside from that big major event...I wrote a fractured fairy tale, that I am quite fond of. You can read that here. In Feb, I continued with those Writer's Workshops and blogged about do's and don'ts along with how I got that wicked scar. I turned the tables on myself and let y...