Random Friday/Confessions
It's been beautiful all week long. A little chilly at times...well chilly by CA standards. They kept talking about the rain that was coming. And it kept getting bumped back further and further. So we had a gorgeous week and tomorrow and Sunday we are going to get slammed. It's a trade off. Speaking of trade offs...having the kids at school offers a nice break from the chaos and kid shows. But the trade off is homework. By the time summer rolls around I am dancing with joy because I get two months without any homework. That joy lasts for about a week. And speaking of time off for good behavior, Spring Break Easter vacation is just around the corner. We get 2 weeks here. In VA it was 4 days. But then they started later and ended it way way later. It doesn't make sense to me really since they are supposed to go to school a specific amount of days. Which reminds me, remember when summer vacation was like ...