New Beginnings

Last week for Wordless Wednesday, I posted this picture.  Some of you knew exactly what it was.  Some of you thought I took it that day.  Some of you wondered what it was.  The picture of the Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was taken in July of 2007.  If you go all the way back to my very first post, you will see we moved from VA after Rich retired serving 20 years in the United States Coast Guard.  We made our journey a road trip and visited family, friends, and visited as many Temples as we could.  That particular one was Houston. 

Another thing that happened last on Wordless Wednesday, was Kristin went to Young Womens.  This is a program for the young women in the church ages 12 to 18.  Each week they have a lesson, spiritual thought and an activity.  Last week they had a special meeting called, "New Beginnings."  It was aimed at the the girls just coming into the program.  They talked about each of the Young Women's values.  Kristin represented knowledge.  She had a little speech prepared:  "Last year in my science class a poster on the wall read:  '33 years from now it won't matter what jeans you bought or how your hair looked or what you wore what matters is what you learned and how you use it.' My mom says knowledge is the one thing you take with you forever so never stop learning.'  Knowledge is a good thing to have. It helps us through thick and thin so always use it whenever possible.  Never stop learning."

I was very impressed by this.  She has got it more together than I ever did at that age.  I only hope that she can live by that always.  What do your kids, nieces, nephews or grandchildren surprise you with?


Janiece said…
I love the new personal progress program.
I as a mom and a past YW leader, I know that this is inspired to help our young women be standards in a stormy world.

I was happy to read in the January Era that mom's and sisters in the wards can earn their necklace or "bee".

Congrats again to your daughter...
Lee said…
how wonderful...she had to learn it from somewhere!
mormonhermitmom said…
My 12 year old didn't want to go to our New Beginnings at first. There were even tears. Thankfully, the leaders did a little spotlight about each girl, and my daughter lit up. At least I know I won't have to cajole her to get her to go to Girls' Camp
elzimmy said…
Well that had to make you proud! I love stuff like that. And I like the new digs!
Carolynn said…
My grandchildren never stop surprising me. They are the greatest.
Christina Lee said…
awww very impressive!
Emmy said…
That is awesome! So crazy that she is in YW now... I remember when I turned 12 :)

I hope she can just remember that knowledge on the days when certain others are not being kind.
KK said…
You should be proud of the good job you are doing!
Holly Lefevre said…
Can you come raise my are doing a great job...what a wise young lady you have there.

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