
Showing posts from May 8, 2011

Bloggers Anonymus

My name is Lourie and I am a Blog-Aholic.  I didn't know this about myself until yesterday.  I was happily reading blogs.  I even managed to comment on a couple.  All was right with the world until I noticed something was off.  I was not receiving any comments from my post.  Well wait, there were two.  But then nothing.  My anxiety spiked as I thought surely I must have offended someone...all ten  of you.  Why else would my comments be so lacking?  And then I noticed as I tried to comment, blogger told me that it was in "read only" mode.  What the what???  And well, you all know what happened.  I even set up new blogs.  I am not including the links...yet as I am not even sure I will use them yet.'s good to know there are so many choices out there for addicts like me.  I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!  See you Monday....I hope! What did you do while Blogger was out?


SQUIRREL! Our lives are filled with distraction.  Kids.  TV.  Computers.  Phones.  There is rarely a moment that is actually quiet. We are always multi-tasking; trying to walk and chew gum at the same time.  I am guilty of multi-tasking.  So much so that my children believe they can all talk to me at once and pull me in three different directions.   Is it any wonder that most days I am reduced to thinking like "Dug" from Up?  I have taken silly personality quizzes to be told I am:  Dory--you know the short term memory fish and Rose Nylund.  I must admit, their character types do fit me.  However, I would much rather be sharp tongued like Sophia.  Do you see what just happened there?  I totally derailed.  What was I getting at?  Oh yeah... distraction. Distraction is a part of every day life.  The trick is how to find that peace.  It means turning off the TV.  It means, at the very least, si...

DWTS Instant Dance

  Tonight the couples are challenged with two dances.  One of which is an instant dance.  In the instant dance, they are not given their music until after they perform their first dance live.  They literally have about 20 minutes to put their routine to music. Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas 1-800-868-3401 Chelsea and Mark have a talk about their scores and criticisms from last week.  This week they want to wow the judges. Their waltz started with them on the floor.  A cool effect with the lighting made it look like they were laying on a sandy beach with the waves rolling in around them.  The dance in my humble opinion was very pretty and artistic.  Though I am thinking Len might not like it.  Again. Len said that there was too much theatrics which causes it to be less of a dance, but that overall he liked it.  Well I guess I called that one. Bruno applauded Mark for finally finding the pefrect setting for Chelsea to shine like th...

The Status Quote

It's been a month already?  A month to collect the funny and strange things people are saying.  Can you imagine if we just randomly announced OUT LOUD what we put on our FB status or Tweets.  Well picture that now.  Picture people just announcing to the world the following updates, and then link up and play along with us!     I never realized how much Obama and I have in common...I wasn't invited to the Royal Wedding either.  I think my invitation was lost in the mail. One of the highlights of my childhood was talking into the fan to hear my robot voice.  I still like doing that. I think we should remove all warning labels and let natural selection take it's course.  That might take out most of the population. Thinking of becoming a volunteer firefighter. Maybe go down the pole once or twice and then quit. Maybe pet the dalmatian and pose for the calendar.  What month? If you think the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, you're...

It's That Time of Year

The teacher passed out the bubble answer sheets first.  The chatter that had only moments ago filled the room had been replaced by the building tension, shuffling of feet and shifting in seats.  Next came the test booklet; sealed of course.  The tension was growing thicker and thicker.  Even the clock seemed to tick louder.  Pencils were within centimeters of being grabbed as instructions were given.  Hearts pounded.  Sweat beaded.  Breathing became shallow.  And then, "Begin." Standardized testing and reporting; or STAR begins today.  In VA, it was called "Standards of Learning" or for short, SOL.  Well when I was a kid, SOL stood for something else entirely and it was something you did not want to be.  Ever since she has been in school, Kristin has stressed almost to the point of panic attacks over these tests.  She says teachers put a lot of pressure on the kids.  I think that may be only slightly true.  I...