
Showing posts from July 17, 2011

An Amusing Day

We will be spending our day here... Have a great weekend!!

Proud Mommy Moments....Does Your Mother Know???

What do you call it when it is not your own children?  It certainly isn't my proud moment?  And even more questionable, these weren't children, though they were acting like children.  Very obnoxious,and needing to be smacked around a bit. I was at the pharmacy on Tuesday to pick up a prescription after seeing the ortho doc about my sad knee.  That's a whole nother post!  Rather than shop around I wanted to sit.  It really hurts.  And I have to go to Knott's Berry Farm tomorrow...I will tough it out.  ;)  Anyway...there were two young girls.  I say young girls, because they do not deserve to be called young ladies as they didn't act like ladies.  They don't deserve to be called young women because a young woman acts with dignity, respect, and kindness.  These girls did not.  Rather than just sit in one of the chairs nicely placed, one of them had moved them rudely in front of the rest of the chairs.  I took the seat ...

We Want to Know...

This is fun Meme hosted by Mamarazzi and Queso.   If you have never read either one of these ladies blogs be sure and check them out.  And now for the questions of the week.... 1.  What would you do with an extra $1000 a month?  Well my first thought is a sigh of relief.  Breathing room.  I might look into extra curricular activities for the kids.  Get braces for the girls.  I know the braces sounds boring, but they need them.   I would make room for some play time.  Play time is important. 2.  What category of blogger do you think best fall under?  I think it is called "Life Blogger."  I just want to be funny and make people laugh.  If you laugh when you have read my blog then I have done my job. 3.  What is your go to solution when you are having a bad hair day?  This depends on how bad the hair is.  If I am being really cranky chocolate is the only thing that will calm the savage beast....

Random Tuesday!

The in-laws came in on Saturday.  They were supposed to be in at 3, but the flight was overbooked.  Did you know they did this???  Well they do.  And my in-laws went on stand-by.  My poor MIL got sick.  I picked up some meds for her on the way to the airport.  She said it was pretty bad for a while.  And on top of everything a cold hit her.  Sheesh! So the next day, we went to the beach and met up with a long lost relative.  My FIL has been doing Family History.  And he found a daughter of his brother.  His brother died many years ago.  And yesterday they all met for the first time.  It was amazing.  And she just happened to be renting a house on the beach.  How cool is that???  And did I bring my good camera?  No!  It's just the beach after all.  It's not like I will have photo opps.  Thank goodness for phones! Emily scaled these rocks and scared the crap out of me doing it....

Rockin' the Baby

Do you remember this post?  Where I was " Rockin' the Bump ?"  Well now Shell has asked us to share pictures of us " Rockin' the Baby "  This is the last you can do it.  Do it today...I believe today is a special day for Miss Shell...*birthday*  So without any further adieu.... No, I am not holding her, but I just love Kristin's big beautiful eyes.  Still that way to this very day! Emily after finally taking her first breaths. I can't even tell you how old Ryan is in this picture.  Not a clue. Rich and I were supposed to go and see Martina McBride.  Turns out we had the dates wrong.  Her concert was the night before!  D'oh!