Rockin' the Baby

Do you remember this post?  Where I was "Rockin' the Bump?"  Well now Shell has asked us to share pictures of us "Rockin' the Baby"  This is the last you can do it.  Do it today...I believe today is a special day for Miss Shell...*birthday*  So without any further adieu....

No, I am not holding her, but I just love Kristin's big beautiful eyes.  Still that way to this very day!

Emily after finally taking her first breaths.
I can't even tell you how old Ryan is in this picture.  Not a clue. Rich and I were supposed to go and see Martina McBride.  Turns out we had the dates wrong.  Her concert was the night before!  D'oh!


Macey said…
Ryan looks EXACTLY like himself, if you know what I mean! :) I bet you were torked at missing the concert!
Emmy said…
Awe Kristin's cute big eyes! And yes, you can totally tell that is Ryan.
Urban Earthworm said…
Those really are some big, beautiful eyes!
Amy said…
So sweet, and yes, those eyes are killers. Look out boys!
Shell said…
Such cuties! Oh no on the concert!!!!
Cheeseboy said…
Pretty darned cute.
Liz Mays said…
It's so much fun to look back, and you sure make cute kiddos!

I can't believe you goofed up the concert date though!
Linda Medrano said…
Darling kids. And jeepers creepers!! That girl has some peepers!

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