Friday Five
So remember a couple of days ago when I linked up with my bestie, Emmy for Ten Things to Smile about? Well I am doing it again today for Friday Five! Sharing five thoughts and five pics for the here I go... 1. I posted it on FB, but I will say it again daughters are awesome. They don't ask for much. They let me hang out with them. My oldest lets me fangirl with her. They are both talented in so many ways. Creative, funny, and enough love to wrap around the world twice. Yep. They are pretty freaking awesome girls. 2. My SIL posted a pic of her and her brothers when they were little kids. My husband was probably 7 or 8 tops. It just is freaky how much our son looks like him. Okay freaky is the wrong word here. It's actually a good thing. But you can look at that boy, and look at that man and say...yep! Then hold a a photo of the man when he was a...