
Showing posts from April 13, 2014

Friday Five: It's Been a Bad Week

It's time for Friday Five with Emmy !  It's been quite a week...are you ready....? 1.  Do you have one of those weeks?  Yep.  Me too.  I am glad it is almost over.  It came in like a lion.  I sure hope it goes out like a lamb!  Sheesh. 2.  One thing that happened was that a high school kid had a stroke of brilliance  stupidity and on an app called "YIKYAK" which is anonymous, has no usernames, and has GPS in it(great right) this student made a threat to shoot up the school...oh did I mention that this was at MY KID's SCHOOL!  yeah!  It's been a bad week.  Nothing happened.  Security was up twice as much.  Cops were crawling all over the place.  But was bad.  For more info about YIKYAK you can go here and here . 3.  I saw a fox I wasn't at the zoo.  It ran out across the street.  Pretty little thing.   4.  Kristin and I have a new ...

Why Theatre IS a Sport

During the last three years she has been dragged, chased, a boy, a fangirl, an elf, a zombie, and through it all almost no room socializing or even time to raise money for Girl's Camp.   Why do I think  know that drama is a sport to be rivaled with actual sports...well sit down and let me tell you a story or two... Sometimes when people ask me about my oldest and her ambitions about drama, I often get, "Oh." Like "That's nice, but what does she do when she isn't playing?"  I am not one to offend easily, really I am not.  Tell me a blonde joke, go ahead.  I love them.  I am queen of them.  I often mock my own blonde moments.   However, when theatre gets tossed off as play time it ruffles my feathers.  Let's start with that dragging I mentioned earlier shall we... That was a lot of time and effort taken to make sure those girls were not hurt in the process of dragging them down in the pit.  Then there are the count...