It was a Girls Night Out! It was actually very impromptu. Earlier in the week, Rich had asked me how long it had been since I had a hair cut. I shrugged. "I think it was June." He said, "Okay, you are getting a haircut this weekend." I kind of stared at him for a minute before I asked how this was to happen. He is selling his PSP2 to a co-worker and said he would give me the money I would need to get my haircut. Cooool! Uh-oh...bad news. The salon I go to is now closed. Gosh darn times are hard! The only reason I new was because my mom's hair dresser called her and told her. She informed her where she is now, and that a lot of people from that salon now work at this other one. Well since I get a hair cut about every 3 to 6 months my hairdresser doesn't know me well enough to inform me of her whereabouts. So I decided I would go to the one my mom's hairdresser went to. It was even closer! A bit of a dramatic week. (see my previous posts) and...