Chaos: ~noun~ a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order. My personal definition of chaos would be: eight girls(7 of which are 12) all under the same roof for a birthday party! I suppose I could end this post right here, but where would the fun be in that??? We decided when our eldest(the 12 year old) turned three that throwing a birthday party every year was no longer an option. We didn't get friend parties every year. We survived. Who made up that rule anyway! So we do the big ones. 5, 8, 10, 12, 16 etc. So the milestones. That being said, Kristin has known and made it known--to me--that she was having a party. Yes, I know child of mine. She originally wanted a slumber party, but she was naming way too many girls. I admire any woman who can host a slumber party with more than 5 kids! I say 5 because that is my personal limit--this means my daughters plus 3 friends. So we decided on a party with dinner. I came up with a few ga...