I Have Issues...
I have issues, but don't we all? Actually, I am writing more about quirks. We all have these little quirks about us. You know the ones that only your family knows about. Every night before I go to bed, I put Blistex on my lips. It's not just a routine thing. If I don't do it, my lips suddenly feel dryer and dryer. Plus it is really dry here so they become parched. I have Blistex on my table/desk next to where I sit and my laptop lives. I have Blistex on my nightstand. I have Blistex in my purse. I think they have rehab for this. I can't answer a simple question. It's true. Ask my husband. I do what we like to call a verbal detour. You know... he will ask how much money we have. I will say: Well we have to pay the phone bill, the water, oh and then there is this other thing...after all that we will have this much left. Yeah, I answer most questions that way. So if you ask me a question, and I just sit there...it's okay cause I a...