Sticky Note Tuesday

I have seen this in a few places, and I do not have the link to the proper person so forgive me.  But I wanted to play just the same!  Sticky Note Tuesday!


Emmy said…
It is Supahmomma that started it. But don't worry about it. So glad you all survived the dentist.... And why do we always have to be the good people; sometimes it would be really nice to just say how we really feel.
Lourie said…
I didn't realize these were getting cut off. For Dueling actually want to type in "Talking Carls" and I believe it is the first one on the list.
Nicole said…
ooooo I want a recipe for no guilt no bake cookies!!!! :) I agree, drama does suck but sometimes its good to just let it out I think. I always feel better after I do anyways. I hated the flouride too! I used to get really sick and throw up on the dentist asst when they put that stuff in, so I had take pills to put me to sleep beforehand lol. Now that I read about all the stuff about flouride and how bad it is, no wonder kids don't like it!!
I love the post-it notes!! I can't wait for that recipe!!
See Mom Smile said…
Love the sticky notes. I will wait for that recipe! My 5 year old rocked the dentist chair today too!
Rachel Sue said…
The other night I wanted desperately to go somewhere and just scream. Just to get it all out. But I figured I would either terrify my children or make the neighbors call 911.

I opted against it. I need a soundproof room.
Christina Lee said…
Yeah, being the bigger person has its merits *sigh* looking forward to that recipe!
Laura Lynn said…
Sometimes it sucks to be the bigger person! ha ha and the recipe - I'll be looking for it!
mormonhermitmom said…
It's hard to stop writing on sticky notes, isn't it?
Krissy said…
thank you mommy
Holly Lefevre said…
2 hours for a little guy in the dentist chair...ugh!

New homeowner...I hope the IRS shows you the money!!!!

Drama stinks!

KK said…
Love those post-its! Change the name and few details and you can tell them off here :)

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