Thelma and Lousie? Hardly.
While Lorraine was here, Emmy was checking up on me to make sure we were behaving. Well I guess we were. So I am going to make some confessions here, and link up with Mamarazzi. Nothing juicy here. We didn't go all Thelma and Louise. If we did, I wouldn't be here typing this blog. You know, cause I would have driven off the cliff. I guess that makes me Thelma cause I'm the tall one. She's Louise. I confess...I just derailed myself. haha. I confess.... If we had passports it would have been so much fun and all too easy to go to Tijuana that day. It's super easy to get in. It's coming back that's hard. I guess we don't don't look white enough. I confess.... I read blogs during the college orientation. At least I did until my phone died. What? It wasn't for my kid? We also passed notes. I am surprised we didn't start playing hangman. Or tic tac toe. They separate...