Random Fun

Usually on the second Tuesday of the month, I host The Status Quote with my BF Emmy, but she is visiting family and I am in between visits so we decided to post pone until next month.

I took her to Zumba Gold.  She had a blast.  It felt weird to go on a Tuesday.   I didn't recognize anybody.  (We usually go on Friday's)  Lorraine loved the coin scarves.  They are fun.  And gees, I know she is shorter than me, and I am tall but look at how high my waist is.  It's really exaggerated in this picture. 

Wednesday was a big day for us.  We had to drive out to the OC for college orientation.  It was EIGHT HOURS people!  EIGHT!  And that was PHASE ONE.  And what did we get for attending this EIGHT HOURS of Orientation...?
Yep.  A pen.  Eight hours of orientation, and we got a pen.  Oh and my car battery died.  We got separated and I ended waiting in the car.  Watched Bewitched without the engine running.  D'oh!  We got rescued by the security team.  All was right with the world eventually.  I did actually learn a few things.  And found it helpful for when Kristin will be going.  College is expensive! 

That pen came in handy.  We were able to pass each other some notes.  It made up for not being able to go to high school together.  Just a few little nuggets of ours...


"Is your head hurting?  Or just sleepy?"
"Just sleepy....My eyes are closing."  (This was me.)  I was literally fighting to keep them open.  It was after lunch.

"I spy with my little eye, one parent sleeping."
"I wonder if she is snoring."
"I found another one!"

This is the statue of David.  He isn't feeling so hot, but the President of the college said that art is art and that it should not be thrown away.  He was broken in the 1971 Sylmar earthquake.  The college students rub his butt cheeks for good luck.
Hmmm...maybe if I had done that, my car battery would have survived.  Wednesday was quite an adventure.  There were some mother daughter moments that were quite intense.  I will leave it that.  Thankfully after our bellies were full and the fact that the car was running again, we were happy again.  Tired.  But happy. 

Come back tomorrow for "Wordless Wednesday" and some fun shots I managed.


Rebecca Dot Com said…
Those coin scarves are totally cute! :) seriously, I need to go to zumba, I hear it is sooo much fun!!

I'm having a giveaway on my blog- love for you to enter!!
At least it was a working pen! Those are hard to find at my house. I think the scarves are cute too.

May you have better car luck next time, even without rubbing the cheeks. :)
Nicole said…
Very cool you guys went to Zumba!! I haven't tried it yet but I've heard its so awesome. Love the belly jingly scarves!

What fun road trips are! So cool you got to visit the college and see where your daughter will be. I think the statue broken up from the earthquake is totally a work of art, its like man's art and then God and the earth's art after the quake! :)
Nicole said…
College is expensive and I'm planning on going back if the dumb financial aid office will get their sh*t together. That's another story though! And that's hilarious about the statue. What college/university is it anyway?
Macey said…
Am I missing something? I have to be. Why did you go to college orientation??
I'm surprised David's butt is as pristine white as it is being on a college campus. LOL
Cheeseboy said…
At least David landed face down for the good luck rubbings...

What is gold zumba? Is that like the top level? I'm afraid I couldn't get past bronze.
Emmy said…
They rub it's butt! Haha!! I have never heard of an 8 hour orientation! Have to tell Kristin she wants to go to BYU- not only is it awesome but an amazing deal!

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