Why Theatre IS a Sport

During the last three years she has been dragged, chased, a boy, a fangirl, an elf, a zombie, and through it all almost no room socializing or even time to raise money for Girl's Camp.   Why do I think know that drama is a sport to be rivaled with actual sports...well sit down and let me tell you a story or two...

Sometimes when people ask me about my oldest and her ambitions about drama, I often get, "Oh." Like "That's nice, but what does she do when she isn't playing?"  I am not one to offend easily, really I am not.  Tell me a blonde joke, go ahead.  I love them.  I am queen of them.  I often mock my own blonde moments.  

However, when theatre gets tossed off as play time it ruffles my feathers.  Let's start with that dragging I mentioned earlier shall we...

That was a lot of time and effort taken to make sure those girls were not hurt in the process of dragging them down in the pit.  Then there are the countless hours she spends learning new dance routines, plus lines, and blocking all this five days a week all while going to school, plus doing her homework, and going to church activities.  Oh, did I mention she does these dances, and stunts she does so without protective gear?  What?  Oh, see in sports they have to have protective gear.  Theatre isn't a sport.  Even though they stage fight, sword fight--with swords-- learn actual combat (depending on the play) to safely toss each other around.  No, theatre is NOT a sport!  

Do you know why actors perform their own stunts?  It's because it brings that reality of it.  Everything these days can be digitally blended.  So when you see Captain America being tossed around, yeah he is doing that.  If you are not convinced, ask him.  I will wait.  He worked hard for that.  Yes, there were trainers around, and sometimes the answer is no, you just can't do this stunt. But mostly these guys and gals, let's not discount The Black Widow please, do it.  

Theatre is more than any sport.  It takes a lot mental and emotional dedication.  I am not saying sports are lesser; certainly not.  I am saying that theatre should be recognized for more than fun and games.  I see first hand how hard my girl works every school year, all year.  She puts her heart and soul into it just as any professional would.  It's not a game.  It's not play.  It's hard work.  She recognizes that, do you?

*Disclaimer:  Theatre is often swept under the carpets as an unnecessary extracirracullar. It has been my personal experience that more emphasis and importance is placed on Sports porgrams than on any arts programs especially Theatre.  I do not mean to discount sports of any kind.  This is simply how I feel.  The facts about how hard actors work be they pros or students remain truthful.


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