Rockin' the Bump

I am taking a break from asking my weekly questions, and participating in Shell's Rockin' the Bump.  Show pictures of you rockin' the bump in the past or presently.  Well since I am not presently rockin' any bump I am only sharing past bump pictures of myself.  However, I also am adding a picture of my niece.

With Ryan....wishing it was over...
Really wishing it was over. 

She is due next month.

You don't have to be pregnant to play along.  Just share pictures of when you were.  Or like me, share some of someone who IS!  It's fun.


Macey said…
There isn't enough space on my blog to hold the largesse of my bump. LOL
Shell said…
I'm cracking up at your facial expressions- you look like you were just humoring whoever was taking the pics!

Your niece is such a doll!
Emmy said…
Yes that middle picture-you really were wishing it was over!
Galit Breen said…
Ohmygoodness did you ever capture the done-ness of it all!

Love that you added the pic of your niece in here- congrats to her! :)
CB said…
You are one brave woman!

My pregnancy pictures are pretty hideous - I'll have to think about it - ha ha!
Jenny said…
Totally agree with Shell...I think I have a couple of those get the dang picture and let's be done with it.
I love the look on your face in these! I had the same one. DONE!
Liz Mays said…
Your words do emphasize the photo, I gotta say. It's tough at the end, for sure! :)
Nicole said…
haha, I've only had a food bump so far :)
Maude Lynn said…
I can remember feeling that way at the end!
mormonhermitmom said…
Alas all my photos are not in digital format. Let's just say I had a classic "Friar Tuck" dress.
You're expressions are hilarious. In the second picture you look like you might kill the photographer. I love it!
Joy@TPMG said…
Congrats to your neice! I love your expressions. You have certainly captured those tough last few weeks when you just want it over!
Christina Lee said…
AWW now you've got me curious to pull up mine!
Unknown said…
Man I loved overalls when I was pregnant. I tried to get away with wearing them afterward but it didn't work out.
Your niece is so pretty :)

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