We Want to Know...


This is fun Meme hosted by Mamarazzi and Queso.  If you have never read either one of these ladies blogs be sure and check them out.  And now for the questions of the week....

1.  What would you do with an extra $1000 a month?  Well my first thought is a sigh of relief.  Breathing room.  I might look into extra curricular activities for the kids.  Get braces for the girls.  I know the braces sounds boring, but they need them.   I would make room for some play time.  Play time is important.

2.  What category of blogger do you think best fall under?  I think it is called "Life Blogger."  I just want to be funny and make people laugh.  If you laugh when you have read my blog then I have done my job.

3.  What is your go to solution when you are having a bad hair day?  This depends on how bad the hair is.  If I am being really cranky chocolate is the only thing that will calm the savage beast.  But really, the truth is my mom and I like to use yahoo instant messenger to chat throughout the day.  It has audibles to play with one of which is a screaming lady.  We use her to alert the other that we are mad about something and then we vent away.  Or we send a vent email. 

4.  If you were a crayon what color would you be?  Blue.  It gets used a lot right?  I don't want to be the one in the corner that never gets used.

5.  They say love is in the little things.  What is a little thing someone does to show you love?  Hmmmm....let me think now.   When my kids write me love notes in church or draw me little pictures.  When my husband lets me sleep in or carries the laundry upstairs.  

Play along!  Go on over to Mamarazzi's and link up!


Macey said…
You are SO right about the breathing room! Seriously.
And now I want some chocolate.
Nicole said…
Very cool! Wow an extra 1000 a month! I think I would pay off my student loans and open my own yoga studio:) When I was younger the dentist told me that I would need braces, I never got them but did get bonding, and now you can't even tell! lots cheaper:) thats funny that you choose blue! I love blue but I think I would pick to be a green crayon:)
mormonhermitmom said…
Extra 1000 a month? Pay off debt, get that food storage in, get the stupid cars fixed, get the kids teeth fixed, the list goes on and on.....

My five year old has been telling me he loves me in his heart. Melts me every time.
Nicole said…
it sure would be nice to have the breathing room with extra money! And braces are so worth it!
Emmy said…
Well your bad hair day solutions don't do much for your hair- but they help you feel better at least :)
VandyJ said…
Breathing room--savings--would be fabulous! But just my luck, I'd get some saved and something major would break.
Robin said…
Chocolate for a bad hair day... HUH? I may have to try that!
Alicia said…
oh yes...sleeping in is the way to my heart! i love when the hubs takes over on mornings so i can get a little extra rest, its the best!! and i'm pretty sure that chocolate is the cure to everything :)
Mamarazzi said…
aaaaaaw sleeping in...lurve!!

life blogger...makes total sense!

thanks for linking up, sorry i am so late getting over to see you, loved your answers!!
Unknown said…
Why can't money grow on trees? It would be easier to get out of debt and get things that are needed, like braces or a new van (that one is mine...we need a 15 passenger van now)

Love pictures drawn at church!

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