Bloggers Anonymus

My name is Lourie and I am a Blog-Aholic.  I didn't know this about myself until yesterday.  I was happily reading blogs.  I even managed to comment on a couple.  All was right with the world until I noticed something was off.  I was not receiving any comments from my post.  Well wait, there were two.  But then nothing.  My anxiety spiked as I thought surely I must have offended someone...all ten  of you.  Why else would my comments be so lacking?  And then I noticed as I tried to comment, blogger told me that it was in "read only" mode.  What the what???  And well, you all know what happened. 

I even set up new blogs.  I am not including the links...yet as I am not even sure I will use them yet.'s good to know there are so many choices out there for addicts like me.  I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!  See you Monday....I hope!

What did you do while Blogger was out?


VandyJ said…
Rolled into the fetal position and cried until it came back--not really but I wanted to.
I did not realize what an outlet it really is for me until it was gone. Blogger still has my post from yesterday somewhere in the ether. I'd go to one of the other options, but they intimidate me.
Nicole said…
I only just got my post up when all of that happened so no one got to read mine I guess :(
Amber said…
lol - it sounds like a lot of people started new blogs! So funny!

I didn't really realize it was out because I was looking like that lady in your picture, when I got settled in bed with my laptop TO blog, it crapped the bed on me!!!

And my Friday was thrown off from the lack of confessions. :(
I'm glad blogger is working again too, only missing a few comments.

Last night was great! For the first time in a while I fast-forwarded through American Idol without writing a blog simultaneously. :)
Emmy said…
Yes could say ditto to what Vandy said. It is so nice to have it back-definitely time to get it printed in case the whole thing disappears.
Liz Mays said…
Well, I'm on WordPress so I was ok, but I was trying to pick through the reader and remember who was on WP so I could comment. It was awful though.
Lene said…
refresh refresh refresh
Laura Lynn said…
I actually got my kitchen clean! And then I checked once in a while to see if it was up and if the 4 people that read my blog were reading, ha ha.
Urban Earthworm said…
I was so upset about that, too!

Hello, my name is Colleen, and I have a problem.
Nicole said…
I know what you mean Lourie! I was working on changing over my blog and doing some different things with it and I couldn't do much on Friday. I was freaking out! Thank God its fixed, I realized I'm definetly addicted too lol. They should have a group for addicted bloggers like us!
Jenny said…
I totally hear you on this! I don't know what I actually did. It wasn't much!

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