DWTS Instant Dance


Tonight the couples are challenged with two dances.  One of which is an instant dance.  In the instant dance, they are not given their music until after they perform their first dance live.  They literally have about 20 minutes to put their routine to music.

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas 1-800-868-3401

Chelsea and Mark have a talk about their scores and criticisms from last week.  This week they want to wow the judges.

Their waltz started with them on the floor.  A cool effect with the lighting made it look like they were laying on a sandy beach with the waves rolling in around them.  The dance in my humble opinion was very pretty and artistic.  Though I am thinking Len might not like it.  Again.

Len said that there was too much theatrics which causes it to be less of a dance, but that overall he liked it.  Well I guess I called that one.

Bruno applauded Mark for finally finding the pefrect setting for Chelsea to shine like the perfect jewel she is!

Carrie Ann explained that you have to earn perfection. She went onto say that something very different happened on the dance floor and that she in fact earned it.

Carrie Ann:  10
Len: 9
Bruno: 10
Total: 29

Their song for the instant dance:  Get Busy  By  Sean Paul

 Hines Ward and Kym Johnson 1-800-868-3403

Hines and Kym sink to spying on the competition this week!!  Actually, they were wacthing dances by Ralph.  She wants him to bring out the theatrics the way Ralph does.  Their dance is the foxtrot.  And in the dance, is a proposal.  It was fun.  Lots and lots of fun!

Bruno shouted, "Hines yes yes yes!  That was a performance!"  He called him Fred Astaire. 

Carrie Ann disagreed saying he was not Fred Astaire, but Gene Kelley!

Len told him that despite his feet being a little flat, he had great appeal and that his personality radiates. He added that it was a joyful experience to watch him. 

Carrie Ann: 9
Len: 9
Bruno: 10
Total: 28

Instant Dance Song:  Chantilly Lace

 Romeo and Chelsie Hightower 1-800-868-3405

Romeo and Chelsie dance the Tango.  Chelsie gets...gets...."dancer's block?"  She says she is uninspired.  And to add to the pressure, she explains to Romeo that this is like the Olympics of Ballroom and should be treated as such.

The dance was pretty good, but there was this huge black bow on the backside of Chelsie's dress.  I found it very distracting and it took away from the dance.

Carrie Ann said that he was dancing like he meant it and that it was one of his best dances ever.

Len reminded him that last week he told him to "Up his game." and then told him that this week he did.

Bruno said he was strong and danced like a real man.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Instant Dance Song: Tequillia

Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff 1-800-868-3408

Last week, Ralph was complaining of knee pain.  Let's remember he will be 50 this year.  Fifty people.  Don't let that baby face fool you.  And I can feel his pain.  I have bad knees.  I felt his pain.  Turns out he had...had a Baker's Cyst behind his knee.  To be safe, they took him to be seen by a specialist and had an MRI done.  If I ever have to do this again, I want to do it like he did.  OPEN MRI!  The doctor told him it burst, but the good news was no tears were seen.  The next day in rehearsal during a very simple move that knee buckled under him and he went down. They lost not hours but days of rehearsal.  They ended up with a total of 9 hours versus 40.  Their Viennese Waltz was dark and twisty.  I really liked it.  Karina show cases him quit well.

Len said that due to the injury, and lack of rehearsal the dance lacked polish.  But he said Ralph had nice movement and that they did a great job.

Bruno said they were fascinating, memorizing vampire lovers. He said that it was astonishing that he managed to do what he did with his injury.

Carrie Ann said that they danced with grace and beauty but that a few times the injury took away from the dance.  (she will judge accordingly!)

CA:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 9
Total: 25  (Not too bad I guess....but seriously this was an awesome dance.  Would love to see them do it when he is better!  Also I was real surprised they didn't give him a shot or something for the pain!)

Instant Dance Song:  Stuck in the Middle

 Kirstie Alley and Maks Chmerkovskiy 1-800-868-3411

Maks and Kirstie will dance The Argentine Tango.  This dance requires a lot of attention to detail.  During rehearsals, Kirstie had more than one fall, one of which was off stage in the rehearsal room. It was then that Maks calls it quits for the day.  He confronted Kirstie asking her how many calories she was taking in each day.  Her response: 1400.  WTH???  She is dancing 12 hours a day, she could be eating a 2500 calorie diet and still lose weight.

Their dance is sultry and despite all those falls, Kirstie nails it.

Bruno said it was "fabulous sensual, sultry with just a hint of aggression and the right amount of passion leading to the ultimate seduction."He added that her body is shrinking, but her talent is huge!

Carrie Ann said that she felt like she was watching real-life acted out in front of her.  She added that the Cha-Cha WAS Kirstie's best dance, but tonight she topped it.

Len said this dance was about creating a mood and that they captured that feeling. "It was hot.... I'm surprised Maks only took his hat off!"

CA:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 10
Total: 28

Song:  Cobrastyle (Kirstie said she has never heard this song.  That makes two of us gal!)

Chelsea and Mark dance the salsa for their instant dance.  While I really didn't care for the music, the dance was amazing.  If she doesn't go to the finals something is wrong.

Len said that he was very impressed.  He noted she was a little nervous at first, but once she got comfortable it all clicked.

Bruno commended them for doing such incredible job with such difficult choreography.

Carrie Ann said that although they did very well with the choreography, there was no connection with the music.   

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total:  26/55/60


Hines and Kym dance the Jive.  Hines struggled in rehearsal without the music.  I wouldn't be able to do it WITH the music!!!  When it came time dance though, he was spot on.  And is it just me, or does Kym look a whole lot like Olivia Newton-John (as Sandy in Grease) with that ponytail?

Bruno said that the energy is very good, but that all his kicks were flat footed. He compared Hines to a penguin.

Carrie Ann begged to differ saying he did an amazing job. "The Jive is a hard dance,  And you were right there.  Right with the music!"

Len said, "All work and no play makes a good dancer.  You are a worker.  This is a real tough dance  And you've done a fantastic job!!

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 8
Total: 26/54/60


Romeo and Chelsie dance the Salsa.  To me, it seemed as if Chelsie was almost  dancing around him.  She did most of the movement.

Carrie Ann told them that at first it felt like they were at a club, but that later it felt like they got out of sync.  Chelsie agreed.

Len gushed about it. "I loved it!!  I was with it.  There was a tiny incident, but  what does it matter??"

Bruno asked, "Am I losing my mind or did they change his medication??"  Tom came right back with, "Those are two separate issues."  Bruno managed to tell them they needed to keep the fluidity going before arguing amongst the judges ensued.  Quiet you three!  I will put you each in a corner!

CA: 8
Len: 9
Bruno: 8
Total:  25/52/60


Karina and Ralph are dancing The Cha-Cha.  The dance began with Ralph sitting on the steps with his bad leg stretched out.  Karina beckoned him to dance and he refused pointing to the knee.  Using a Karate Kid reference, Karina clapped her hands together and rubbed them and then placed them on his knee a la Mr. Miyagi. The dance was pretty good, but he was hurting.

Len said he admired Ralph's perservance and dedication, but told him that something has to give; and it was this cha cha.

Bruno said despite doing very well coping with it all the cha cha is all about action.

Carrie Ann echoed that it was amazing he was able to pull it off.  She told him he was on every beat, but that overall something was lost.

CA:  7
Len: 7
Bruno: 7
Total: 21/46/60

Kirstie and Maks  dance The Salsa.  Despite another fall during the 20 minutes of rehearsal time with music, she did a good job and stayed up right.

Bruno said it was a classic salsa that was smoothe and slow, but that they lost sync. 

Carrie Ann disagreed saying that they were totally in sync

Len agreed that it was slower and more rhythmic, but that it lacked impact.

CA:  8
Len: 9
Bruno: 8
Total: 25/53/60

Another tense results show last night.  I was nearly sick again.  And going home is:  Romeo.  He redeemed the family name in his eight week run and also grew a little in the process.  See you at the finale, Romeo.


Macey said…
Yay that Romeo went home. LOL
Christina Lee said…
OOOH --go Kirsti(now I want to see it)!
Nicole said…
I like Ralph but if he's still hurt next week, it would have been better to let him go home and recoop and let Romeo move on... but I was also kind of happy to see him advance. I'm so torn!
Laura Lynn said…
I haven't watched in a while so thanks for the awesome recap!!
Emmy said…
I kept checking your blog this morning wondering where your post was then I remembered it is Wednesdy- you always do uch a great job with this!
Linda Medrano said…
Alex (my husband) is on a trip and called me last night while he was watching this. He said it was really good! And he like Kristy Allen a lot! LOL! Bless his heart!
Cheeseboy said…
Great recap of a show I have no desire to watch (sorry).

However, I do appreciate a good Chelsie Hightower picture.
Jenny said…
I'm intriqued with Kirstie doing this! She is really losing weight!

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