Friday Confessions: Farewells and Other Stuff

I confess...

I have been really struggling with my weight the past few weeks.  Okay really it's been since Christmas.  I have been up and down and up with the same six pounds.  I refuse to accept that my body has "settled" and "likes" where it is. And yet, I am really struggling with the motivation.   Maybe I need to get back into my Metabolism Blues blog to keep me more honest and on track.

I confess...

I had an IEP meeting yesterday for my Little Middle.  Those meetings exhaust me.  It's a lot to take in and a lot to remember.  I am not known for retention...unless it is water based.  She is transitioning to middle school.  I am not ready.  I wasn't ready when she started Kindergarten either.  We both survived.  Mostly. 

I Confess...

I am glad so very glad I am going to Zumba this morning.  I am glad because it will be nearly 2 hours of no kids.  No kids fighting over petty things.  It's a four day weekend for us.

I confess...

I am not looking forward to summer break at this moment. 

I Confess...

I am totally sad that Glamazon is taking time away from blogging.  I do respect her decision and support her 100 percent.  But I am sad.  I am happy that Mamarazzi will be keeping the confession meme alive and running.  After all, what would we do if we couldn't come clean each week??  So go and visit both of these fabulous ladies.  Give Glam some cyber love and tell Mamarazzi thanks for keeping such a fun Meme going!
What do you have to confess?



Nicole said…
didn't you say that your kids got a short summer break? why is that?
VandyJ said…
As long as the weather warms up, I'm looking forward to summer.
I'll miss Glamazon too.
Macey said…
The weight thing I struggle with every week. :( I get so tired of worrying about it.
Amber said…
Have fun at Zumba tonight...enjoy each kid free minute!

I'm sad about Glamazon too, you're so right they're both AMAZING for hosting this meme, we need it!!
Christina Lee said…
Yeah, summer break *pouty face* YEAH for summer camp!!
Shell said…
I confess that sometimes the only real motivation for me to get to zumba is b/c I can have kid-free time!
Cheeseboy said…
Glamazon was one of my first followers. I dug her blog and I am definitely going to miss it. I suppose we will all have that day eventually that we will have to hang it up.

My kids fighting over petty things? Sounds oh so familiar and I only have two!

I'm off to Zumba too! (That is putting on a sweatsuit and eating a smothered burrito, right?)
Mamarazzi said…
i use to work for a school district and i did ALL of their IEPs, talk about overwhelming, i had 1163 students on education plans...i really felt for the parents it is a LOT to absorb.

thanks for the sweetness...long live Friday Confessional!!
mormonhermitmom said…
I believe that stubborn six pounds is called a "plateau" and they sucketh mightily. I cheer thee on to more zumba. I myself will be killing weeds - at least I can see some results when I do that.
Jenny said…
I confess I'm terrified over summer's so stinkin' hot here and the Grands are soooo busy. Hopefully my new Grandma's helper will work out!
Emmy said…
Okay can't believe I am just reading this now.. I guess I must not have read any blogs on Friday.
And yea I am not really looking forward to summer break either- now if Eric had summer break too that would be a different story

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