Double Parked

I live in a cul-de-sac.  I am at the end of it.  I love this because it is a very low traffic area.  There are hardly ever any cars there.  I am spoiled by it.  So are my kids.  They can ride their scooters and bikes all over it without a care.  My neighbor teaches piano and sometimes there are a few extra cars hanging around.  I have never had more than two at a time.  And they usually park in front of her house not mine.  Every once in a while they back up to the end of cul-de-sac, which is fine as long as there is only one and I am not expecting company myself.  Oh and then there is that pesky fire hydrant.

Over this weekend, the house directly across from us was having what is called and "estate" sale.  A fancy term for indoor yard sale if you ask me.  I would rather go with yard sale myself.  I digress.  Unbeknownst to me, this estate sale began on Thursday and continued through Saturday.  Each day the sale began at 7AM and ended at 4PM. 

My first problem is, no one came by to notify us that there would be or even "might" be heavier traffic on our little street this week.  I can not see the street from inside my house unless I am upstairs.  My front door is actually on the side of the house and my garage covers the front of the house.  So when I opened my garage door on Thursday morning, I was surprised and slightly annoyed to see this:

What the what?  Why are all these cars here?  Why they encroaching onm my personal space!?  After major rant slight tirade, I drove my kids to school and came home same as any other day, but wedging myself around cars.  Since it was Thursday, it was my regular grocery shopping day.  I am really a busy person.  I don't have time for obnoxious self centered   the general public to take up my space while I am running around taking of MY LIFE.  Despite my need to be able to get in and out of my own driveway, they kept coming.  When I got back from the store, I was greeted with this...

What the FRENCH TOAST!?   Are you freaking kidding me??  Even my neighbor can not get out, should she need to.  I was beyond ticked.  I also had a car full of groceries.  This was my breaking point.  I called the police.  Well, I think someone was onto me because while I was on the phone(after I finally managed to get myself into my driveway) I saw this from upstairs:
It was like I turned the lights on the cockroaches.  They scattered.  Rich came home for lunch and had to walk across the street to find out who parked in front of our driveway so he could leave.  This happened to me on Saturday when I was heading out to set up for my niece's baby shower.  I was not kind to the person who was blocking my driveway.  "I need you to move your car!" I turned on my heel and didn't even give her a second glance.  There was a man standing outside the house who said, "I would sell it." I told him, "I want to have them towed."  He laughed, and I thanked him for not parking in front my house.

What would you have done?



Venassa said…
Nothing annoys me more than situations like this. I had a neighbor park directly behind my car one day when our parking lot was full and I had an appointment in the morning. She was lucky the space beside my car was empty and I could maneuver my car half into a snow bank then back out of the empty space. Your situation wouldve made me crazy. People parked all over the place is one thing, but people blocking your driveway? There's a good chance I would've tried to get them towed.
Nicole said…
I'd have been annoyed and either done what you did or possibly just parked down the street... I"m not sure.
Linda Medrano said…
My next door neighbor has an "older" mom. His mom parks directly across our driveway when she comes to visit. It annoys me no end, but unless we are going somewhere, we just let her be. I may be old and goofy one day too.
mormonhermitmom said…
Criminy. The rudeness of some people's children.
Emmy said…
Yes, that second picture is insane, that is just truly wrong. Glad the glorified yard sale is over and good for you for calling the police.
Shell said…
Oh, that is so annoying! I probably would have gotten out of my van and started yelling. I'm all classy like that.
Christina Lee said…
Peopel are so DUH! did they not knwo they were blocking stuff?!?!
Macey said…
Ya know, I hardly go to garage sales, but when I do, I make sure my parking isn't impeding the people who live there!! I will even park around the block If I must.
And "estate" sales are called that, I think, because typically more people come to them! Ridiculous.
My brother's neighbor's son is living in a 5th wheel parked in front of my bro's house. It's so irritating with their visitors and such. They were there 14 days as of Saturday. My bro called the cops. 14 days is the limit. LOL
Liz Mays said…
It's so rude that they would block your driveway. I can't believe they would be so dumb as to do that!
Amy said…
Oh you lucky person! You live at the end of a cul-de-sac? Wow, the jealousy is surmounting! Sorry about the driveway trouble. I have dealt with it myself. So not fun.
CB said…
We live on a very small cul-de-sac - I also live on the inside part of the circle (we have 7 houses in ours) and this happens quite a bit. Everytime someone has company over it gets clogged. We have all learned to live with it and to try and not block each other too much.
What is funny to us is that when the subdivision was built the builder put all the mailboxes right where all the parking spaces are between houses (this is about 5 spaces along the sidewalks) so if anyone parks there the mailman gets VERY ticked and leaves a nasty note because he cannot drive his vehicle in there. Well, HELLO mailman we have to be able to park somewhere!!!!
Oh, that would frustrate me too. You will have to invest in some orange cones for future estate sale incidents or start handing out fake traffic tickets, but maybe you could go to jail for that, so maybe stick with the cones.

I am jealous you live at the end of a cul-de-sac. I am on the outside of one. It is not the same. I long to be more centralized.

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