
Energetic is something I have never been accused of being.  Not even as a child was I told--that I can recall--that I had unending energy.  Maybe I did.  I don't remember being so full of energy that it is exhausting to watch.  Loud is something I have been accused of.  That and verbal diarrhea. 

There are energy bars
There are Energy Drinks
There are even Energy Pills
For generations we have been trying to find ways to bottle our childrens energy.  And if we could, oh the money we would make.  I think though, that people are just wired differently.  Some people simply have energy that is unmatched.  And some of us struggle which why there are products like these.  However, I just think it's age and full schedules.  When you are no longer 20 and you are suddenly balancing not just your schedule, but also your families it hard to have the energy to do much of anything.  Even blogging can sometimes be exhausting!!

How do you get your energy?

Jenny Matlock


 After a two week hiatus, I am back on the band wagon with Two Truths and Lie.  The idea is to try and figure out which one is my lie.  There are no prizes, just the satisfaction of knowing you figured it out!  If you haven't played before, it's lots of fun.  Two truths. One Lie.  Link up.  Easy Peasy!  Lemon Squeezy!

1.  I was Madonna for Halloween
2.  I was Marilyn Monroe for Halloween
3.  I was a PlayBoy Bunny for Halloween



Lauralyn said…
I think that the fact that only one of those is a lie is frightening...very frightening. I guess since it's nearly Halloween, maybe that's what you were going for. ;)
Susan Anderson said…
I used to be totally energetic; not so much these days. Being around my kids and grandkids sure perks me up, though!

Rachel said…
I always feel tired. I'm known for falling asleep during the 9 o'clock news. . .
Laura said…
I am somewhat of "that" energetic person. Or maybe it's more of a having to be doing something? I am just always moving and talking...my poor husband. :)
I used to have sooooo much energy I annoyed the crap out of everyone around me. Now, I have a lot less and I'm ok with it..

I don't have the energy to miss it!
Jackie said…
chocolate is my energy lol . but eating too much candy makes me tired , I have to admit. That girl in the photo looks like me on a trampoline when I was young. A good nights sleep always recharges my batteries and gives me energy or a nap . I liked your E post .
Anonymous said…
I find energy by sitting outside watching my little guy run and enjoy the fall.
Anonymous said…
I don't get my energy from anywhere. I don't have any. :(

I think #3 is the lie.
The Drama Mama said…
Energy? WHat's that? Do you mean that thing that causes my kids to bounce off the walls? Oh, they have that in spades. Me? Not so much. I get exhausted just watching them.

As for your lie, I'm going to randomly guess #1. LOL
Joy@TPMG said…
I have never been the one with loads of energy and I need a full 8 hours of sleep at night or I am exhausted the next day.

I would say #3 is the lie.
Liz Mays said…
I tried to use Diet Pepsi Max for energy and all it did is make me crash even worse. I think you were not Madonna!
RNSANE said…
For 21 years, I was a sexual assault nurse examiner for San Francisco, covering two agencies much of the time, along with 4 - 8 other nurses, 24/7, on site and on call. There were a couple of times I never even left the hospital for 24 hours straight. My job ended almost two years ago in massive budget cuts. I am still tired - but I miss my work tremendously. Blogging keeps me busy to some degree and I find myself, at 66, still sleeping only about four hours daily...guess I can't get out of the habit of no sleep for hours on end!
I bet you are using a lot more energy than you think! Just dealing with/managing more lives than your own takes a tremendous amount of energy. Think of the energy involved in just thinking!
Christy said…
Well, I have been trying to add vitamin D and liver to my diet to up my energy - but I too have never been accused of being too energetic - oh, how I wish I had at least a little!
Judie said…
I used to have a lot more energy than I do now. Art energizes me during the fall and winter. That is when I am most creative.
Ames said…
Well I'd like to say I get my energy from a stiff drink or a nap. But alcohol makes me sleepy and I am tired when I wake up from my nap. Uhhh what was the question? :) ~Ames

CB said…
I wish I had the energy I used to have! I still am accused of being loud - ha ha. I do get some great energy when I hear a song that I really like...dance fever comes over me! ha Ha

I think your lie is a Playboy bunny - I could see you dress as Marilyn or Madonna!
Anonymous said…
I've never been energetic, but I'd sure love to give it a try!

(But I don't think energy bars and energy drinks and energy pills are going to get me there and still be that other E word - easygoing!)
Jen said…
They have bottled all that energy (actually, put it in powder form) but they'll throw you in prison if you sell it.

I think 2 is the lie.
Ah, energy! I'll take some please.
Holly Lefevre said…
I am constantly exhausted...it is my own fault. I need to learn to say no. But when I get going I cannot stop.

The lie...Madonna (you have better taste than that!)
Christina Lee said…
OH yeah--if I could bottle my six-year-old's energy!! I tried Rock Star once and had the shakes for hours---haha never again!
Anonymous said…
I want to bottle up my step-daughter's energy. we've been talking about this for over a year now!
Jenny said…
What a thought provoking post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.

I used to have unlimited energy up to about five years ago...and then, BAM, it all left me.

Now, I just do what I have the energy for and I figure the rest doesn't really matter!

It was great stopping by here today. It would be fun to veg out together!


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