Memorial Day

Today we honor men and women who have served our country, and those who are in service of it. Whether they have served or are serving now, they all do it with great risk, love for their country and its people. Thank goodness for these brave souls who make our freedom possible. May we always think of them, and thank them today and everyday.

I also want to thank the family members. Having been one myself, I understand military life; at least a little bit. I never had to have my husband deployed to any place scary. Being in the intelligence community, he was the one he called on the guys who went out--more or less. I have no idea how or what he did in his job. It was high security. I will never know. I am fine with that. I don't want to know. I have known at least three women whose husbands went to war. I was so scared for them. I can not imagine how they must have felt. And yet, they carried on their daily lives and gave reports whenever they got any. I admire these women and their children, who accept their military member's call of duty; whether it is an over night duty or a year in a war torn country.

Thank your service men and women, and remember those they leave behind. It's one of the toughest jobs in the military.


Carolynn said…
Well said! Also true.
Emmy said…
Thanks for this wonderful post
Brynn said…
I found YOUR blog!!! I love it!
Lourie said…
Yay! Thank you.

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