I Make Excuses

It's Friday and that can only mean one thing!  It is time to come clean!  Thank you Glamazon for creating this meme for sinners like me!  If you haven't played before well you are missing out!  click on her lovely button and air out your dirty laundry.  It's okay.  We don't judge. 


I make excuses.  Like right now, this is my blog because it is late and I am tired.  It was my birthday today(yesterday) we didn't do a party...now don't feel sorry for me.  My party is next weekend.  My mom and sister took me to lunch.  We ate at Chili's and I shared my free dessert with them.  It was so yummy.  I regretted it for the rest of the day.  Don't feel sorry for me.  I chose to eat it.

I am terrible at thank yous.  If you say something nice to me, or do something nice and you are right there, I will say thank you.  That's good manners.  I am talking about formal thank yous.  You know for gifts and such.  Yeah, I suck at that.  It's not that I don't want to.  I just forget.  See that is my excuse.  I forgot.

I also forget names.  I never used to have a problem with names.  And then somewhere in my adult life, I am no longer able to remember a person's name.  Again I blame my mind on this.  I forget.

I forget to pay the bills.  Not like for months at a time.  I pay them.  It's just most months it's either right on the due date or a day or two after.  It's crazy.  Money is a precious thing in these times.  I guess I really don't want to part with it. 

Sometimes I forget simple stuff.  I know that is simply evidence of a tired mind.  It just bugs me when I can't say the name of a common object or when I say "lunch" when I mean "breakfast."

So I make excuses.  I wasn't home all day today(yesterday) which is true.  I really wasn't home much.  So I haven't read many blogs or responded to comments given yesterday.  I didn't clean my bathrooms because it's my birthday and I refuse to clean toilets on MY day!  I also refuse to do laundry!  It's my day and I shouldn't have to.

I am the Queen of excuses and I rule in the land of sarcasm.  Whew!  I feel so much better now.

Will you all still respect me in the morning?


Nicole said…
of course I respect you! lol. I love your honesty!! How sweet of the girls to take you out for your bday! I hope you had a great one and have a great Labor Day Weekend!ps i've heard its good to splurge every once in awhile because it helps the person to stay on course! sometimes when I won't let myself eat any junk, i go crazy and eat alot of what i've been craving instead of just giving myself alittle so I won't have such a craving later. so Good Job!!
mintifresh said…
Happy birthday yesterday! I don't think you should have to clean toilets on your birthday, either!
Emmy said…
Yes on birthdays you are totally supposed to be as lazy as you want. In fact it is supposed to be all about you!
Shell said…
I am horrible at sending formal thank yous. But, I get behind and then a certain amount of time passes and then I think well, it's too late.

I never sent out thank yous for our wedding...7 years ago. Oops.
Linda Medrano said…
I demand (and get) a birthday month. This means I do not have any "chores" like dishes, cooking, housework or laundry for a full month. I also get back rubs and presents. I have no excuse, Carol, but I'm thinking I'm doing it the right way!
Liz Mays said…
I respect you even more now!
Melissa said…
Oh, the dreaded thank you notes. I think I am going to start an anti-thank-you-note club. I know that I get them out of guilt, and I send them out of guilt. Can't we all just say 'thanks' to each other and get on with our lives? Must we drag it out over days, months, years?

Don't you ever scrub a potty on your birthday. Birthdays are special :)
KK said…
I, um, confess I took a 4 hour nap today! And happy birthday again :)
Holly Lefevre said…
I will always respect you - because you admit to not being perfect! I stink at formal thank yous too...really I am awful!

Happy, Happy Belated Birthday! I like simple birthdays now...at least you got dessert!
Anonymous said…
I totally owe you one sister! While reading that you forget to pay bills sometimes reminded me that I need to pay my mortgage! It was due on the first. Thank Gawd for your blog.
Susan Anderson said…
Not only will I respect you, but I will identify with you.


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