My Day
I don't know if this picture counts for indigo blue for Jenny's Rainbow Alphabet or not....but it is my birthday, so I guess I get a little slack. It's the day we are born, it's the day to mark our time here on earth. Each one comes faster than the last. I swear I was just doing my Little Middle's birthday. Soon it will be The teen's birthday, then it will be my anniversary. September is a busy month at our house! So is my sign acceptable? I don't know. But it is my birthday!
Surgery was the topic of discussion last week. I've had some. I had a laparoscopy in 1995 to remove some endometriosis. I remember my then boss telling me that when SHE had it done she was back up and to work in three days. My thoughts were: Well big fat hairy deal! She was a witch. But let's not darken an otherwise delightful blog post!! Endoscopies are fun! Okay so they really aren't. I mean they are shoving a tube with a tiny camera on the end of it down your throat. Thank goodness they knock you out! I still gag thinking about it. I think you all guessed my lie. I do in deed have my tonsils. In fact, I have everything I was given...ooops wait....I had my wisdom removed....surgically. Good times.
1. I was born on a Wednesday
2. I was premature
3. I was born on my due date
Have a great Labor Day Weekend too,
btw My Rainbow Indigo link is here
Have a great Labor Day Weekend too,
btw My Rainbow Indigo link is here
Oops, sorry. :)
Oh come on, who is born on their due date?
I was right on the tonsils.
I went over my due date with my oldest by only 4 hours. so it is POSSIBLE to be born on a due date. my youngest was only 3 days past hers. my son was 21 days late--for real, they did the tests, and "stripped my membranes" 3 days in a row, and I was scheduled for an inducement the next day after the final "stripping" that night I went into labor, HA!
I am going to say the lie is you were premature.
PS...I also do Alphabe-thursdays, here's mine:
I'm going to say #1 is the lie.
P.S. I've got an award for you.
Hmmm...I vote for born on a Wednesday as the lie.
Even though it's late consider yourself squished. In a big hug!
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to youuuu.
Happy Birthday lovely, creative, funny, wonderful Lourie!
Happy Birthdayyyyyy toooo youuuuu!
Cute Rainbow Summer School link, too!
OK, I graded you easy cuz it was your birthday!