It Was A Dark and Stormy Night

It was a dark and stormy night.  I was seven months pregnant.  I ordered my book.  It was supposed to be on my door step the day it was released.  That day was long. No book came.  I gave up around eight thirty that night.  I took matters into my own hands.  I drove to Target and bought my copy.  I had to have it.  There were piles and piles of my coveted book.  I quickly grabbed my treasure and paid for it.  Despite thundering and lightening, I had gone out, alone, for a book.  I'm a geek. It was:  Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince.

Today's post was brought to you by Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus.  Using only a phrase given by Jenny creating a 100 word or less story real or imagined.  This
one was very real.  I would do it again.  No judging here.

Jenny Matlock


Jen said…
I've never done that for a book, but I pre-ordered a movie once. I would have gotten it quicker if I'd just run to Target when it was released.
Rachel said…
I with you, there is nothing like a good book!
Cheryl said…
Nice take on the prompt. I would do that and have! Somehow I knew this was going to be a HP book.
Bookie said…
I am not into HP but heaven knows, I am that desperate for a book many times!
Terra said…
I am a geek too! I got mine in the mail, I read them in the bathroom, while I walked around the house, in my bed and while holding my daughters bottle...I so would have gone out on a dark and stormy night for the book had it not arrived. You rocked this!
Viki said…
Wow, that's real dedication lol. I've never even read one but I did watch one of the movies, ha. Good Centus.
Unknown said…
I can sooooo understand! I adore the HP series (both books and movies!) Great one!
Shell said…
I don't know if I even would have waited that long!

I cannot wait for the the first of the Deathly Hallows movies to come out.
Jo said…
lol ... i have lined up at midnight for a few of those books!!! i dont blame you one bit for rushing out and getting it!
Holly Lefevre said…
I {heart} geeks. My hubby waited in line to get a Harry Potter book (maybe that one) - we were leaving on vacation the next morning and he had to have it.
jfb57 said…
I had to have my copy a.s.a.p! Nice take on the prompt!
Jenny said…
Oh, I loved your little story here.

I've never done it but your story made me feel like I did!

Thanks for this little journey of 100 words!

What a fun link.
I stopped going out in the middle of the night for anything a long time ago...but I can identify with the need.
Liz Mays said…
I remember my sister waiting outside stores at midnight for the Harry Potter books!
Linda Medrano said…
Nicely done! And I'd do the same thing!
Tgoette said…
Very cool take on this week's prompt! I have never done that, but I can understand the passion in some people that makes them do it. Great job!
Laura Lynn said…
Very nicely done!
I love a good book and I've been known to stay up all night reading them. It has to be really good to get me to do that though.
Fickle Cattle said…
I'm like that with books too. I can't help myself.
Malisa said…
I have never read a Harry Potter book. Sad, but true. However, your story will filled with passion for the written word and that is always nice!

I just posted two assignments on one post. I'm bad, but please visit my anyway!

Kat said…
This made me smile. We spent many midnights at release parties waiting for the newest HP book. Thanks for bringing back some great memories :)
RockiBottom said…
How funny! Oh,the things that will make us brave the storm.
~Lissa said…
Haha great take on the Centus. I have friends that have truly counted down the days from the hundreds for the release of HP books or movies.

And now Harry Potter World is open in
Florida! Ahh! :)

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