We Must Be Stupid

We must be stupid.  Or at least the talking heads news anchors seem to think we are.  Why else would they be reporting that gas prices are projected to reach $5 a gallon by 2012.  Why else would they tell us that things at the grocery store will be costing more, however the size will remain the same.  Um...no.  No it doesn't.  I am a bit OCD when it comes to my weekly shopping.  "Everyday Low Price"  has changed just a bit over the last year.  Milk for instance, was 2.29 a gallon.  And if you bought 2 of the same the second gallon was a lesser price.  Slowly over time it increased in price.  Right now it is $2.69 a gallon.  However, if you buy TEN you can get the discounted price.  It's not just milk.  It is everything.  

And it's not just the news anchors who must think we are completely daft.  It's the manufacturer's too.  It's just little things.  One less slice of meat in the lunch meat.  Instead of 15 ounces of tomato sauce it is 14.    The little "3ounce" single serve cans of tuna are more like 2 ounces of tuna and one ounce of water.  And don't even get me started on a bag of chips.  No, I mean really...don't get me started!!  Things that used to come in a quantity of 12 now come in ten.  My grocery store no longer sells 24 case packs of Diet Coke.  It is now the convenient size of twenty.  Twenty for the same low price as the pack of 24.  
They call it "inflation" because the prices are being are being "inflated."  But if you ask me, the only thing being INflated is their earnings.  Meanwhile my wallet is being DEflated.  Really, do they think we are stupid?  Or are they just hoping we are?

Remember tomorrow is the Status Quote.  Find your friends funniest status updates and post them up.  No names or locations please.  We must protect the guilty innocent. 



Shell said…
I'm totally jealous of your milk prices. Ours are over $4 for a gal!
Joy@TPMG said…
It is crazy how things you buy keep getting smaller. I have also heard that the ingredients change in the products(sometimes based on where you buy a product).
Emmy said…
Yes, it is really obvious when you go to make a recipe from long ago and the sizes it calls for don't exist anymore.

I have noticed gas slowly creeping up again lately, do not like that
mormonhermitmom said…
Oh yeah, my enchilada sauce cans are looking puny now.
Macey said…
YES!!! Preach it loud, sista! This is an awesome post, cuz it's so true!
And?? Seriously, the other day I dropped the kids off at school and gas was 2.99 and when I went back 2 hours later it was 3.02 and the next morning 3.05. GAH!!!
Linda Medrano said…
The quantity is shrinking right along with the increase in price. I think the quality goes down proportionally too! Great, huh?
Anonymous said…
It's really sad and frustrating, isn't it? I went to the store this am and spend almost $300 for one week's groceries! It's outrageous.
Nicole said…
I think it is super important to be questioning changes in the world we live in, especially changes like prices! And you are awesome to be doing this kind of questioning! I haven't seen that much of a change honestly here, but we don't buy for a family (yet), and since its just the two of us, we'll eat a bag of taro chips in maybe a weeks time. I also focus on buying foods and trying to like bake our bread and do other things like that to save money. I have seen just about EVERYTHING else going up, like gas, gas in NYC is alittle over 3$ right now, and tolls, they are crazy, the verranzo bridge just went up to 13$, and the subway just went up.
Nicole said…
The gas thing is price gouging. If you say you have to raise prices b/c it costs more to produce and then you show record breaking profits, when most people are suffering/hurting... um... you are raising prices for your own good, not b/c it costs more!
Christina Lee said…
huh. El Stupido over here waving :D See you tomorrow!
Liz Mays said…
You are absolutely right! The size of the ice cream cartons alone has really ticked me off! I am not paying over $5 for a tiny little bucket of name brand ice cream. They're insane.
Rachel Sue said…
I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice. I used to be able to buy 5 doz. eggs for $3. That was less than a year ago. Now it is 8. I just wish that salaries went up the same way. . .
CB said…
OK I was complaining a bit more until I read this. Our milk is still 1.99 a gallon. But it really does seem like everything is smaller for the same price or prices are going up dramatically.
I about lost it the other week when my son's favorite cereal went from 2.79 a box to 4.99 a box (YES that's right 5 freakin dollars for a box of cereal!) from one week to the next. What the??? I tend to think it is still going to get worse before it gets better. Hang On!

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