So what comes to your mind when I say 24?  Is it the famed TV show that came to an end last may?

Perhaps it simply means the number of hours in a day.  Maybe you have a special day on the 24th of a given month.  Maybe you have $24 in your wallet.  Wow I wish I did!  More like 24 cents.  Wait.  I am getting off track here.  The 24 I am referring has nothing at all to do with Jack Bauer.  Shhh... don't tell him though.  He might get angry.  And if you think the hulk is scary when he is angry....what?  Oh yeah....right.   The 24 I am talking about is the number of days before Christmas.  That's right folks.  TWENTY FOUR! 

I am listening to Christmas music every chance I get because I love it.  I bought me some nice smelly candles(pine and cinnamon) yum!  The tree is beautiful.  The stockings are hung by the chimney with care.  But I'll be darned if I can believe it is Christmas time!  Where is that sweet feeling?  Is it because it seems like we just did this?  I am starting to feel like that Adam Sandler movie...CLICK.

Seriously, I feel like I am auto-pilot.  Didn't we just do this??  Last year was especially hard because we were in Escrow.  If you don't think buying a house is stressful enough, try doing it during Christmas time.  I know I am asking another question, but is it just me or did we get here really fast?  What are you doing to get in the Christmas spirit?


CB said…
This year I have been in Christmas mode since September. I can't believe I will get to finally decorate my house today! Yahoo and if that isn't sweet enough we have so much snow here that the kids have a snowday and I have work off so YES it is definately feeling like Christmas to me :-D
I have had years though where it doesn't feel like Christmas till Dec. 20th.
That is awesome that you are all decorated already!!
Amy said…
I cannot believe it is time for Christmas! I got the activities for my advent calendar put together last night. I am trying to make this Christmas memorable, because it may be the first one that Keith will remember. And I just like to celebrate all around, so any excuse is good. I have the music going, the candles burning, and Christmas movies playing while I clean (so the boy will not make a bigger mess behind me. Is that cheating?)
I hope you find the Christmas Spirit soon!
Nicole said…
I agree, this year has flown past, I feel like especially since my wedding in Sept. I think I got so wrapped up in counting down the days that they just flew by... :(... My Christmas tree has been up since the 3rd week in November b/c my husband hit the feeling and I went with it. We don't do Thanksgiving at our house (instead we have Christmas at ours, we go to my aunt's for Thanksgiving) so no one saw it but us anyway :)
Joy@TPMG said…
I can't believe how fast the year has gone! We are decorating this weekend (except the tree which we are cutting down the following weekend when friends come to visit). I am going to try to convince my husband to spend an evening in Bethlehem, PA which is close by. It is such a pretty little city with lots to do. No doubt that will put us both in the Christmas mood.
Nicole said…
I love listening to Christmas music too!!! This weekend we are doing all Christmasy thingsy, I can't wait. Its definetly flown by since last year! I don't really feel like its here, but after this weekend I will! LOVE your Christmas countdown!!! :)
Rachel said…
It's almost scary how fast time flies. I liked setting up for Christmas but it makes me crazy to imagine how in a blink I'll be taking it down! Must. enjoy. every. minute. :)
Emmy said…
I forgot about that movie and yes time goes way too fast.

I make sure to turn on my Christmas tree lights first thing in the morning, even that little thing helps.
Linda Medrano said…
I'd rather go to Bermuda and forget the whole thing.
Christina Lee said…
Ugghh i am SO on overdrive right now!
Holly Lefevre said…
I am not fond at the pace life is moving these days...far too fast. To combat my typical bah humbug attitude, I am trying to chill out..let the kids decorate the tree...even if it is not like I would do it...let them listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks Carols, etc. I am letting them be my source of Christmas spirit.

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