2010 Review Extravaganza!!

Each year at Christmas time,  I write up a newsletter for the family about the things we did through out the year.  About our successes, our stumbles, and our funny stories.  Kind of like a one blog rolled into one.  Except I mail it out.  And then, my good friend Emmy came up with a fantabulous idea!!  

What is the 2010 Review Extravaganza?  It is your chance to write up some posts and recap what happened during the year.  You can put your favorite pictures, tell your favorite stories, link back to your favorite posts, however you want to do it.   Just in case you had some slow months, we will be reviewing three months at a time.

Then starting next Friday- you can come here or to any of the other bloggers hosting this extravaganza (who I will list here soon) and link up with your post.  You only need to link up at one location as it will show up on each of the lists.

So-next Friday the 10th, you will link up with your recap about January, February and March.
Friday the 17th-link up with recap of April, May and June.
Friday the 24th-link up with recap of July, August and September.
Friday the 31st-link up with recap of October, November and December.

See how nicely that works out-by the time it is December's recap, December will be over practically.   You DO NOT have to write your post on Friday, you can write it any day that week, that is just the day to link up.  So when you link up, make sure you put a link to your post and not just your blog in general.
But wait, there's more!  Every time you link up with a recap and include the cute little button I spent hours on, you will get entered into the drawing.  Link up on the 10th and get an entry, the 17th and get another entry, etc., with a total of 4 possible entries.  When all is said and done, I will let random.org do the dirty work and pick a winner who will then receive a little something from the six ladies who are hosting this Extravaganza. 

Who are the six ladies?  Glad you asked.  Let's start with my BFF(XOXO) and cousin-in-law who came up with this great idea....

Yours Truly....
Then there is the fabulous and funny Mimi of Living in France (and a little hint-she doesn't actually live in France--I know I thought so for a while)

Next we have Sami of Symmetry in Motion (she has amazingly creative contests and great prizes on her blog regularly)

Samantha's Day

And the fabulous Emily of That's So Emilisq is joining us. Not only does she have the same name as me but she and I have been long time blogging buddies.. since I had only a handful of followers.

And last, but certainly not least is Shortmama from Family of Shorts. (She is the genius behind the Muffin Top Journey)

Family of Shorts

And to give you incentive to get to know these fabulous ladies if you don't already, if you go to their blogs and follow each of them (and me) through the google friend thingy then you can get a 5th bonus entry.  Once you are following all of us lovely ladies go ahead and come leave a comment on THIS post saying so.

So are you excited?!?!  Not only will you get to share your favorite posts/ pictures/ stories from this past year but you may win a prize for doing so! 

So spread the word, grab the button and write your recap so you can link up next Friday!



Emmy said…
Yes I am excited for this. Now I just have to decide how to recap the year.
Nicole said…
Wow such a great idea! And you all have cute buttons... someday I'll have to figure out how to make a button....
Heather said…
Great idea. I will have to make note to link up on the 17th. (I wasn't blogging until April I think.....)

I hadn't visited for a while so I thought I would stop by.

I hope you have a great weekend.
Shawn said…
I came to you via Emmy, Mimi, Sami & Shortmama. I can't wait to see everyones posts starting Friday!
Urban Earthworm said…
Following via MiMi. Love your header, and love your blog already.
Stephanie said…
Such a great idea! Nice to meet you:)
Jenny said…
I love this idea! I'll try to get on again!
Amy said…
Can't wait to play! I have been following more than half already, does that give me yet another entry? For being a long time follower?

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