I Forgot!

I knew it was coming.  I kept meaning to check the date.  But life just gets in the way of things, and I forgot.  Maybe if I had taken two seconds to look...I would have realized.  Well, better late than never I guess...

It's my blogoversary!!  Technically, I started it August of 2007 with the intent to make an account of our journey across the country.  That didn't pan out to well.  In fact, only 2 entries were ever posted.  Which is too bad, since it really was quite a little (long) adventure!!!  And then, my cousin and his family moved here.  Our sons, and his wife and I all became fast friends.  I am talking about Emmy.  If you haven't been to her blog before, go and look around.  It was through her that I was brought back into the blogging world.  I began posting and haven't stopped.  I thoroughly enjoy it.  The connections I have made, and the freedom to write a little something each day.  So, thank you Emmy for giving me that push.  

As I said, I missed the actual date.  See, I thought I got back into it closer to April.  Turns out it was February.   This will mark post #242.  Over the past year and change, my blog has grown and changed.  I have no idea where I will be with it next year.  All I know is, I plan on hanging around.  I picked a few of my favorite posts for you either revisit or enjoy for the first time.  Thanks for coming to visit me and leave all your great comments!!  Keep them coming.

Life's Little Surprises


Writer's Workshop:  Cinderella


Happy Blogaversary!! I have been blogging a little over a year too!!
mormonhermitmom said…

I didn't even know there were such things as blogaversaries. I'm always the last to know.
Laura said…
Happy Blogaversary!! :)
Tracie said…
Happy Blogaversary! I hope you have many more blogging years ahead of you.
Emmy said…
Happy Blogaversary, glad I gave you that push.. it is now one more thing we can share in common to waste our time on.. I mean spend quality time on ;)
Krissy said…
happy blogoversary
Joy@TPMG said…
Happy blogoversary!!!!
KK said…
Happy blogoversary! Better late than never. I'm glad you came back to blogging!
Nicole said…
happy blog anniversary!! cute photo!
Holly Lefevre said…
wooo-hooo! time gets away. happy anniversary!

I realized I passed up 100 posts...didn't even blink. I have a really good giveaway next week to celebrate.

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