Wordless Wednesday

A game of sorry with a 4 year old...interesting.

Remember to ask me a question.  I will be answering on Friday.

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Lee said…
I don't play with my kids...they are terrible losers and they cheat.
Christina Lee said…
arghh-- Sorry and Trouble (essentially the same game) every day of our lives. I curse those Sorry cards ;-)
Emmy said…
Yes.. it is sometimes a very long long game :)
Janiece said…
I can not remember the last time I played games with my kids...so sad
Laura said…
I can imagine that would be interesting! haha
See Mom Smile said…
My 5 year old likes to play chess. Or as he calls it, "the game where you get to knock things over." Nice huh?
Lene said…
Why do they love Sorry so much?!?
KK said…
I loved sorry as a kid!
Kim Sue said…
It's an old favorite at our house too and although we play others more frequently now, Sorry still comes out every once in a while! {love the small area of focus on your picture}

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