20 Questions

Last week I posted about Rich's birthday, and mentioned I made a cake with diet coke.  There was some interest in that recipe, so here it is in a nutshell.  You can buy any box cake and replace the water and oil with a can of diet soda.  For the chocolate, I used diet coke.  For a white cake I would recommend diet cream soda.  For a spice cake, diet ginger ale.  Aside from the diet soda, follow the recipe and the cake turns out yummy and it is now very low in fat.  Bonus!  I also have a recipe for a poke cake.  You can find that one here.  It is very tasty and again, very low in fat!  The serving size is quite big.  The poke cake needs to stay in the fridge.

Now normally on this day I would pose a question. However in the light of the fact that I have gained some new followers, I thought I would turn over the questioning to you.  I have seen a few other bloggers doing this and it was well received.   So, ask away my friends.  Ask me anything.  Just remember this a family oriented place, and my mother reads it!  Fire at will!


Christina Lee said…
Get OUT!! Sounds too good to be true! Hmm... a question. Ok, here goes: At what point in your full days with your kiddos do you finally say: "calgon take me away"? :)
Laura Lynn said…
Too cool. I am trying this! Okay - question...can I come back when I think of a good one?
Laura @Enjoying the Simple things
Ms. Wanda said…
I'm gonna try all of these recipes one day when my oven is working:)
Emmy said…
I have seen other bloggers doing the question thing to and have thought about it doing it myself.

So here are a few:

What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

If there is one thing you could go back and do over what would it be?

If someone gave you $1000 what is the first thing you would buy/do with it?
Nicole said…
Wow that is Amazing!!! I didn't know you could replace water and oil in cake with diet soda! I need to make more cake:) I wonder if I could replace anything in a lemon meringue pie!? I love making those!
Good or bad or funny - Are you turning into your mother? How?

When have you/do you most feel like you are a good mom?

what are 3 things you NEVER want to do?
Lee said…
Cool...now I've made Brisket with Diet Coke, but never cake. Bet it was moist!
silfert said…
Far out! Can you use a can of regular soda? The diet kind does weird things to me...

Question: Do you remember the name of the song we chose for a radio dedication to our three "friends"? ;)
Laura said…
I have heard about the diet coke thing, I am going to try that!
Holly Lefevre said…
I have always wanted to try a coke cake...I made crack pie once.

I have no question at this moment...it is 1:17 am...I am playing catch up! I'll dream about it and come back tomorrow.
Tracie said…
I make those diet soda cakes all the time. They are yummy and easy, too. Have you ever used a yellow cake mix and diet mt. dew? It's very good if you like lemon.
KK said…
Diet coke in a cake. This is revolutionary to me! I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but whatev!
Joy@TPMG said…
I never heard of that. My husband only drinks diet soda so he will love this idea.

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