
I confess.....

I am going to Zumba--once again to escape my crazy life....I can not be the only the only person who does this.  If I am that is just sad.  But I am and that is that.

I confess...

I did not participate in PMM with Emmymom and Kmama yesterday because I felt ornery.  I was just thinking about the fact that kids do not listen.  They have fantastic hearing.  They just do not listen.  It's amazing how many times I have to tell them to do something.  And it's even more amazing that they are surprised and/or upset that they are getting yelled at when they haven't done what I've told them to do 5 or 6 times previously.

I confess....

I mutter under my breath "You suck!" every time I pass the Verizon Kiosk. Mostly because I am chicken to simply shout it.  Because let's face it, they do. 

I confess....

On days when I am cranky--kind of like today--I wish I took kick boxing.  It would relieve so much tension.  Can you imagine just kicking the snot out of something and burning calories too??  It would be a total win win.

I confess....

I am getting all excitedy for DWTS!!!  Yipppeee.  But I have to watch 5 shows before SUNDAY!!  Because I am so addicted to TV and I want to be all caught up by then!!  HA!  What a nerd.  Go ahead and say it.  I embrace my nerdiness.  Do you!?  We all have some form of nerdom....Hunger Games anyone? 

What do you have to confess of?  Link up with Mamarazzi today!



Emmy said…
Seriously, why do kids not listen?? Drives me batty. It definitely is hard to write a PMM while feeling ornery- unless it is one of the "proud" ones :)
And excited for your recaps!!
VandyJ said…
What even worse than not listening is the kid who insists he listens, he just doesn't do what he's told to do. Drives me nuts, and gets him yelled at nine times out of ten.
mormonhermitmom said…
Hey, Zumba is a healthy escape - no shame there. Now me, I escape to a Star Wars LEgo Wii game.
Nicole said…
Do the shows you have to watch have something to do with DWTS?

And your kids don't have the part of their pre-frontal cortex developed yet to reason.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait until Isaac's old enough not to listen... It's frustrating enough that he doesn't understand what I tell him now, so if he ignores me I'll freak.
Macey said…
excitedy = awesome.

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