Call Me A Dork...

Call me a dork, but I have been going crazy looking for my Monkees photo album for the past week.  I have pictures in it that I can not replace.  Memories of happy times.  Oh the stories I have!  And in some cases, a picture to back it up.  But not without that photo album!  I was going crazy.  I felt stupid, but I actually prayed that I would find the darned thing.  It took a couple more days of searching, but I finally it, plus another with even more photos in it!  Wow.  I was so happy.  I found treasures I had even forgotten about!  Treasures like this one...
That's right baby, he signed that one to me.  Me!  Yours truly.  I felt like Marcia Brady.  No he didn't take me to my prom.  I did run a fan club for all four of them for a few years from about 1988.  I ran it with a friend for about 2 years, and then on my own for another year or so.  It was then that I received this photo from Mr. Jones.  What a sweet treasure to find now!  I have many others.  Plus many happy memories.  Call me a dork if you must.  But this was awesome stuff to me.


Emmy said…
Not a dork- you loved it and have awesome memorabilia from it. So fun to have an autographed picture!
Nicole said…
Not a dork. we all have our things we love and cherish and that's awesome!
Macey said…
I think it's fun!
Liz Mays said…
I can't believe you had that. So incredibly cool!
Xazmin said…
I don't think you're a dork! Also, when things are really important to us, it's not dumb to pray about them!

I LOVED cool that he signed a photo for you!

His death is definitely a loss for pop culture, and those of us who crushed on him in our youth!

Even thought he was an "old dude" by the time I watched the Monkees, I still thought he was a babe!
mormonhermitmom said…
LOL. Oh but you're such a cute dork! JK We all have our favorite things don't we?

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