Good News...I AM a Proud Mom!

I am doing a double link up today because I am so "proud" that I had to call it, "Good News!"   I am linking up with EmmyMom, KMama, and Grumpy Grateful Mom


Before I launch into the good stuff, let me say if you looked up "stubborn" in the dictionary you would see this face:
That being said, this obstinate child is the source of my good news and proud mommy moment!  She made honor roll!  This is something she has been wanting to do since her big sister did it.  We are all very proud of her.

Look at that grin!
Big sis came for the assembly.

What is your good news?  Is it a proud Mommy moment? 


Emmy said…
Yea!! So so awesome!! And she does look so happy. Nice Kristin came to support her.
Macey said…
I'm going to say ditto to what Emmy said...that's what I was gonna say!
That's awesome! Her hard work payed off! I love the photo of the two cute sisters. :)
Connie said…
Awesome job! I know that takes a lot of hard work!
mormonhermitmom said…
yes! That is too awesome! You SHOULD be proud. And she should be too!
Nicole said…
awe, I'll bet it made her day that big sis came!
Urban Earthworm said…
They are so adorable together! And you are obviously an awesome mom!

Punky made honor roll again, too!
Sandra Tyler said…
Love the grumpy versus proud contrast, funny and sweet. And congrats on honor role! We're not that far yet but here's to hoping. Visitong from grumpy g hop.
Anonymous said…
Yay!! Congratulations on the honor roll - a wonderful accomplishment!

Stopping by from the Good News! hop!

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