Better Late Than....Well You Know...

I have been tagged by Becca at Everyday Life!  This is fun.  She picked 11 bloggers, and asked 11 questions....
Still here OK well here is how it works:

Post these rules.

1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.

2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.

3. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

4. Go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.

5. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." Legitimately tag 11 people!!

so #1, done.

#2 eleven random things about myself:

  • I have a wicked cool scar on my knee
  • I can recite the entire movie:  The Wizard of Oz
  • I met my husband at a Country bar
  • I can bake chocolate chip cookies without looking at the recipe
  • I am going to learn French
  • Because my mom and I are going to Paris in two years
  • It is her goal and dream to go and I want to be the interpreter.
  • Plus I thought it would be fun to go off on my kids in a foreign language since they don't listen anyway!
  • I have been getting my craft on.  Just simple stuff.  But I am doing it.
  • I am planning on doing more as the year progresses.
  • And I will be posting it here.
And now I will I answer the questions given to me:

  1. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? I know it sounds totally corny...typical...but...I would spend all my time with my family.  I would not worry about dishes, laundry, or all that stupid stuff.  I would do what they wanted.
  2. What Is one song that discribes your life?  Oh there a song about craziness?  My life is full of it!
  3. Are you good at making new friends?  Not really.  I am good at being one.  But to put myself out there...that is different.
  4. Where did you grow up?  The O.C. but I was not a snotty kid.  No I was shunned by them. 
  5. What is the silliest prank you ever played on someone?  I once filled my cheeks with water, my mom pinched them thinking it was just air. Imagine her surprise.  At least she laughed about it.
  6. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be and how long would it take you to spend the $10,000?  Target. And it would not take long.  hahaha.
  7. Do you exercise regularly?  Not yet...but that is the goal.  I went back to Zumba on Friday and it was great!
  8. Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life?  Hmmm...this is tough...who would best suit me?  Or who would I prefer?  How about Lisa Kudrow?  Or Ellen Degeneres?  I loved her as Dory! hehehe.
  9. Who is your celebrity crush male/female?  Johnny Depp *swoon*
  10. What is your favorite thing to drink?  Diet Coke
  11. What is the weirdest thing you will ever admit to having done in the past?  Standing outside the men's room in the hotel during a Monkees convention because my friend swore Peter Tork was in there.  Well we all have to go but why he would have chosen that one....well he did.  And well when he come out, he and I were face to face.  I think my face went three shades of red.

Okay... now for my attention tagees.....

  1. Where were you born?
  2. What was your favorite subject in school--besides RECESS!
  3. What was your most embarrassing moment?  It's okay, we're all friends here!
  4. What is your weakness other words... the one food you can not resist at all!
  5. Is your income tax money all ready spent?  Do you owe?
  6. What is your can't do without TV show?
  7. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  8. Have you ever laughed so hard you snorted?
  9.  Do you believe in Karma--what goes around comes around?
  10.   What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
  11.   Who is your favorite comedian?

Now as I follow the rules given...I will list and link the ladies whom I am tagging...however, they are not tagged until I officially comment on their personal blogs!  So this is your chance to go and visit them!  They are all awesome by the way.  So go and show them some love.

1.  Emmy Mom
2.  Xazmin
3.  Mimi
4.  Nicole
5.  Impulsive Addict
6.  Grumpy Grateful Mom
7.  Hermit Mom
8.  Emily
9.  Spilled Milkshake
10.  Oka
11.  Cheap Wine and Cookies

Whew!  And that is it.  So what are you waiting for?


Emmy said…
Okay next time we are together I am going to make you recite the Wizard of Oz! Hehe not really, but that is crazy! I knew you knew The Outsiders...

I would pick Target for a shopping spree too. I will try and get to these questions- for real! :)
Macey said…
Okay, I've been tagged I HAVE to do it! lol
mormonhermitmom said…
Okay those rules are a tad complicated but I'll try. Give me some time though, I have to help kids with homework too. :)
I love reading people's answers to these.

I took French for 6 years? "Tu et une petite grenouille?" "Are you a little frog?" Ya, that's about all I remember. But I'd still love to got to France!

And your Peter Tork story made me laugh! Did you ever say anything to him???
Emily said…
Thanks for tagging me. I'll get on that asap!

My husband's degree is in French. He took some classes in France and LOVES it there. I hope to go someday too. :)
Christina Lee said…
Oooh go you with learning FRENCH!!
Rebecca said…
may i hide in your suitcase when you go to Paris and swoon for Johnny depp
Urban Earthworm said…
Ok, found it! Now I just have to fill it out. Stand by.

And thanks!

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