Review Extravaganza Week 3

It's time for part three of the Review Extravaganza 2011!!!  This week covers July, August, and Sept!!! So come on and link up with us:  Me, Emmy, Mimi,Em, Grumpy Grateful Mom, Runner Mom, Janette of Johansen Journey and Impulsive Addict!

July was a crazy busy and super fun month for me!  It started off with a most grand adventure with my lifetime bestie!  Love you Lou!  Muah!  She came to So Cal with her daughter for college orientation and I went with them.  We didn't cause too much trouble.  hehe.  
I know I also saw my other bestie in there somewhere...I have pictures to prove it!
Miss you Emmy!XOXO

We also got a special visit from Rich's parents.  They took the kids on special adventures and then we all went to Knott's Berry Farm! Yes indeed July was a crazy busy month for us.

 And some how we managed to get to the beach more than once!!!

August meant we had little or no time left to prepare for school...but before any of that could happen....a very special event took place!
I don't mind being a "great" aunt, cause I already am!  ;)

There was a whole big drama and roller coaster getting Emily all set for school.  I was getting more and more frustrated by the minute.  She literally didn't have a school to claim until the day before!!!! But she got where she needed to be.  And now finally is settled in her school. And more importantly it is where her friends are. started up again...and because I had three big promotions in June, I had three big starts in "fall."  A big First Grader, Middle School, and "gulp" high school!

September is a pretty special month in our house...but before I go there....I want to talk about something really important(heh)I love to recap Dancing with the Stars, and September it was coming back with a cast, that at the time I was less than happy with.  So I came up with my own picks!

We celebrated MY birthday in September....
We celebrated Kristin's birthday!

And it was my 18th anniversary...even though I was convinced it was the 19th.  I don't do math! 
Now it's your turn to review and link up!!!


Connie said…
What a great summer!
Emmy said…
Yes glad we got to see each other at least a few times. It was a busy summer! And yes, the school enrollment drama was crazy
Stacie said…
Yep, we skipped DWTS this season, hoping for a better cast next time around.
I went back and read about the crazy high school drama. Do they not notify anyone to let you know when registration is? That's crazy! I guess they just figure that you will check their website. Ugh. A high schooler huh? How's that working out?

I love the pic of all 3 kids and the one of you and hubby. How cute! I hope you have the pic of the log ride hanging around your house somewhere. That's AWESOME!!!
Mrs. Match said…
That look on your face going down the log ride is priceless! I love it.

Your daughter's birthday outfit is so cute. I wish I could get away with wearing a skirt like that.
John said…
School stuff can be sooo difficult. Glad you got her where she needed to be. Looks like you had a great summer.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a very eventful 3 months! The look on your face on the log ride is priceless - I LOVE it!

Looks like a very special little baby there :)
I remember most of these! Wonderful three months! Except for all the school craziness. I'm glad it all worked out for Emily!

And your little nephew's photo--precious. I had to stare at him for for a couple minutes.

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