Just Don't Want To...

Sometimes I just don't want to do just about anything I am supposed to do.  Fill in the blank:  laundry, clean, parent, but it also extends out further to the fun things that I enjoy.  Sometimes I don't want to blog, edit my photos, it's all work and no fun.

Today I have to take Kristin to the HIGH SCHOOL....HIGH SCHOOL folks! To register.  I am fighting with the middle school.  I have been having nothing but trouble for Emily's schooling since May.  She was supposed to register yesterday!  Yeah thanks for the heads up!  No email.  No phone call nothing.  I just happen to be on the site and saw that it was that day.  Plus her friend called and wanted to compare schedules.  Made me so mad!

I have to sit down and figure out how to juggle money around because we are behind on so many things.  That doesn't help my mood any.  I don't want to mess this either.  But procrastinating doesn't help.  It just makes it worse. 

So what do I do?  I have to suck it up, and do the things I need to do.  Fight with the middle school, fork out $50 for the high school, and pull up my big girl panties and deal with it.

I am participating in Shell's "Pour Your Heart Out"


Emmy said…
Here- here! Sometimes I just want to take a mental vacation- don't even need to go anywhere, just want to total zone out and not do anything.

What the heck-what is up with Emily's school! So annoying.

And yes, still so weird that Kristin is starting high school.
Shell said…
I hate having days like that. It makes me want to shut down. But, you're right- I need to pull on those big girl panties and move on!
Amy said…
Wow, that is not a fun day at all! Good luck with the school. I shudder to think about the day I will have to do that. But, for a little upside for you, school in CA is MUCH cheaper than school in UT. But good luck, regardless, I hope the money stretches, the school works, out, and dumb people lay off. :)
Nicole said…
isn't it great, the government can screw around with our money and paying things but by golly if we do creditors will be on your butt like white on rice!
Macey said…
I don't wanna do any of it. Boo. :(
Cheeseboy said…
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have been pulling up my big girl, uh, panties too. Wait, I mean I have been kicking my son's school's tail!
I hear exactly what you are saying. I have struggled with complaining lately (which is what I wrote about), but then was convicted strongly about my perspective. I think it is okay to whine and moan, but not dwell on it. I hope that while it might be frustrating, that you are encouraged by something...even if it is something small... Found you via "Pour your heart out".
Helene said…
Ugh, I totally hate days like that. Makes you just want to head back to bed and sleep the rest of the day away!

Hope tomorrow is a much better day!
Anonymous said…
$50 for HS? I have a freshman and it cost me $115!

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